Filament12mo ago

ReCaptcha with Livewire Wizard

Hello, i'm having problems with a ReCaptcha field with Livewire Wizard, it seems the iframe just doesn't load The field page: https://github.com/AbanoubNassem/filament-grecaptcha-field The first image, shows the html without the iframe in the final step in my wizard, and the second image, is the field in a normal livewire page class ConfirmStep extends StepComponent implements Forms\Contracts\HasForms { use Forms\Concerns\InteractsWithForms; public function getFormSchema() { return [ GRecaptcha::make('captcha') ]; I tried with reactive and lazy, and still doesn't load the recaptcha
GitHub - AbanoubNassem/filament-grecaptcha-field: Provides a Google...
Provides a Google reCaptcha V2 field for the Filament Forms(V2-V3), works in Admin-Panel and Forntend-Forms. - AbanoubNassem/filament-grecaptcha-field
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2 Replies
LeaOP12mo ago
Bump Bump
awcodes12mo ago
Please reach out to the author of the plugin, either #google-recaptcha-field or on their GitHub repository.

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