LOD chunks won't render with the Bliss shaders (Bliss shaders support DH)

watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NruFXLqOi8 Im using all the mods listed in this video on the 1.20.1 Fabric version
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4 Replies
CanPacificOP12mo ago
reacting wont do anything if you could read, BLISS SHADERS SUPPORT DH
Darth Revan
Darth Revan12mo ago
Same issue, using any other shader, DH loads lod chunks, but when using the Bliss shader no lod chunks are loaded. Found a fix through the bliss shader subdiscord, download the experimental package build from the iris discord that one works
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Yes but are you ALSO USING THE RIGHT IRIS AND DH VERSION? Cus thats also necessary
majo2412mo ago
Also are you using the version of Bliss shaders that support DH?

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