I don't Understand what this game counts as headshot
image 1 was counted as a body shot
image 2 was counted as a leg shot
when i go to rage my aim is fine and im doing well in aim trainers i have movement error graph on to check if im moving but in both of those image it was clear I'm so confused on what is happening cos i enjoy the game and ive been practicing crosshair placement and aim in general but im not seeing any improvement in game and im wondering if its a technical issue because ive been practicing for close to 2 years now.

18 Replies
average valorant moment, skill is overrated in this game
im just getting anoyed with it now. its annoying how much effort i put in to just get nothing out
i understand that feeling, honestly id advise in taking a small break from the game to reduce frustration and you should be ready for bullshit in this game
whenever a game has a little bit of rng involved its going to affect your game in negative ways and its going to be out of your control s
i could see as body shot in the 1st image tho 🤷, i mean it's a lil lower than his head
but i don't see why on 2nd tho, myb you missed a frame, but get some rest so you wouldn't get frustrated
The first one is on the shoulder the 2nd one, u can see the black mark from ur bullet penegrating the ground and with that trajectory its ofc going to hit his leg
and tracers are client side
so they're not to meant to be end results
summary: skill issue
A major one
you are whats wrong with the valoran comunity
entitled pricks who think their better than everyone
Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.
I don't have problem hitting heads at all
what's ur point
u just came in and straightly blamed on it being the game's bugs
without thinking it may be ur own problems?
totally incorrect seen as tho that was the first shot and not spam firing
It’s a joke
It literally mentions Hiko, a cs player?
when i practice most days and are very particular about my crosshair placement and movement during fights. im not entirely blaming the game ik im not amazing at the game but some of these shots are bs. that 2nd picture where the bullet hit indicator is is clearly on the body.
Tracers are client side
It basically means nothing where it goes because it doesn’t indicate where the actual bullet went
also particular frames can't really prove anything
Bro rly marked that message :val_KekwSob:
it was the first message
ok sure
everything is overrated to u