
i have spent the last few hours learning about the mystery that is reterraforged, the large gatekeeping community surrounding this mod (which i find to be very complexing) has made it extremally difficult to uncover information. regardless, i have tried to compile it myself starting from absolutely zero coding knowledge, i can not seem to get it to work. Does anyone have a simple jar file for 1.20.1 they could send my way, i would be very grateful.
24 Replies
cola9876512mo ago
Reterraforged is not gatekeeped becasue they want to gatekeep, but becasue they can't be bothered with ammount of people complaining aobut the exact same bugs over and over again the version that was available for some time was not official in any way, but another person compiling it for those versions source is open, anyone with correct knowledge can compile And while I understand the point of "I don't care about the code, I just want the .exe" that many people have with little github projects, this is not yet finished and if they did nightly builds like here they would not have time to code in favor of keeping community from exploding
EVAOP12mo ago
i understand and respect the decision to close the discord. the huge influx of new people is always very irritating and corrosive, its happened to a lot of the communities i have been in, there are a lot of ways to help this without completely shutting down communications. im a big fan of what this discord did with hiding validation in the faq, im sure that continues to be a very large and very effective idiot filter. there are many ways to fix it such as channels with special requirements and the like. i cant find reason in denying sharing your jar file to people who have shown competence. now obviously you aren't expected to and aren't expected to give any reason as to why you wont. but that doesn't mean i cant find it odd and complain a little.
Fern12mo ago
minecraft players read an faq or look for preexisting issues challenge (impossible) I do think it's weird that they don't have some sort of build action or at least an alpha release jar available. No shade though because fair enough
cola9876512mo ago
reterraforged is on github in what appears to be currect version people still complain meanwhile: one of my friends decompiling forestry because it was closed source and there is an easy fix for a modpack breaking bug,
Fern12mo ago
I'll try a compile for you
EVAOP12mo ago
do you mind giving a rundown of how you compile the reterraforged code, you can make it very short, maybe just the software you use. id look it up myself but i have tried and i have no clue where to start/ look
Fern12mo ago
I presume it's just clone the 1.20.1 version of the repository, install Gradle, run either gradlew or gradlew.bat on linux/macos and windows respectively
EVAOP12mo ago
ahh right, i got to gradle, all the installation steps and ran gradle -v, couldn't get it installed for the life of me, that's kinda where my journey ended ill give it another shot:)
Fern12mo ago
I think generally the gradlew files (shell scripts) will set up all the right config etc before running gradle -v
Fern12mo ago
No description
Fern12mo ago
I should put a tutorial somewhere Or set up a fork of the repo with a github action for nightly builds
EVAOP12mo ago
ahhh lol, that makes it a lot easier, thanks. i just assumed i had to install everything myself
Fern12mo ago
Oh and then run gradlew build after the first gradlew I think been ageeees since I've done Java and I just used Jetbrains's build button lol
EVAOP12mo ago
I'd like to clarify, i now agree with everything with most of the gatekeeping practices in place. i thought there was absolutely no way to get access to reterraforged. i had thought compiling the git was extremally complicated due to my assumptions. in hindsight its not really that inaccessible at all. thanks for the help fern:)
Fern12mo ago
Yeah no worries, I do think there should be at least a simple build instructions on the github Readme but hey oop holdon the compile was successful, game booted (Just RTF and Fabric API) but crashed on clicking "Singleplayer" lol
EVAOP12mo ago
🤦‍♂️ ill give it a go myself is there any reason why compiling sometimes works and sometimes dosent? although assuming hasn't done me any good today, i assume compiling just produces a different output every time as a result of the translation. like imputing a sentence into google translate and swapping the languages around until it makes no sense anymore.
Fern12mo ago
Generally if there's changes between builds it's because the code has changed, there has probably been changes to the code since its state in the "stable" build, sometimes unfinished code will be committed to github Hey btw the invites to the server are back open apparently, you alright if I dm the invite to you? You can probably download the stable-ish jar from there
EVAOP12mo ago
yeah that'd be great
Fern12mo ago
Ah just read through the server a bit, apparently download links to 0.6 are gone for now, and there won't be new links until 0.7 I'll send the invite anyway Let me see if I can find which commit 0.6 was compiled from and give that a try
EVAOP12mo ago
appreciate it heaps i'll just try to grab somebody's jar in the terraforged server, if not ill look for it myself.
Fern12mo ago
I worked out the issue, I forgot to switch to the 1.20.1 branch
EVAOP12mo ago
that'll do it
hecker558712mo ago
when is 0.7 releasing? any speculations?
cola9876512mo ago
when it's ready

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