DH 1.20.1 Doesn't render past minecraft's standard render distance
I have made sure DH is enabled in game. However it only renders up to the set minecraft render distant - i.e. I can only push it to 68 chunks and LOD isnt doing its job
C2ME (with fix in .toml config) - latest
DH 2.02-a-dev
Fabric API - latest
Sodium + Indium - latest
Iris - latest
Shaders: Bliss - latest indev
8 Replies
Do you have enabled the world generation?

Do you also have the dev version of Iris? Does this also happen without shaders on?
@majo24 I have latest stable version of iris from modrinth and it does this regardless of shaders
You have to use the dev version of iris. You can get it through the installer, you can find it here: https://irisshaders.dev/download
Download Now - IrisShaders
The Iris Installer - Designed to streamline your Iris experience. Our handy Installer's not your style? Try the standalone version!
I will try this
Be sure to check the
Use Distant Horizons beta version (not recommended)
optionThis solved my issue ty