13 Replies
Increase CPU load
I'm already using aggressive but it honestly doesn't change much between settings @MarijnIsN00B (UTC+1)
I've got a ryzen 5600x oc to 4.75ghz
Try with just DH installed
i did and the issue with the wholes resolved
but it still takes years when I set the render above 128
Setting CPU load higher is basically the only way to make it faster
DH is restrained by mcs slow world gen code
Best DH can do is throw more CPU at it
And optimisation mods like c2me and noisium
why is native chunk generation faster then DH @MarijnIsN00B (UTC+1)
Afaik it isnt
But if you found smth that shows its slower, let us know so it can be fixed
it feels slower
I don't have any proof
rendering is the same but generation then render is slower
use chunky to pre-generate the area
gives terrible holes
the mod?
idk than