My account got linked but when i submit a claim i dont receive any list/submit info
My UID: 5363274121
My device: Redmi Note 9 pro
I have many proofs.
I submit a claim but i didnt receive any claim account information I'm waiting around 2 months and nothing. The list-about my account who i played,my rank when i got linked and more. But i'm waiting and nothing. When i first submit a claim everything worked but i didnt know my rank now i know it.
Please help me i know the season and rank everything. I have bought many uc i have foto.
I have contact customer service they reply me to submit a claim but it doesn't work. I dont receive any submit info about me.
Please help me. @Error
3 Replies
We cannot see that you have contacted us through the game. Please do so and we will assist you.
Yes I submit a lot of claims but on my other account. But nobody sent me the submit info/list
What is the numeric user identification of your other account?