81 Replies

increasing CPU Load and check cpu usage in task manager while in-game (no pause)
and this is singleplayer?
^if cpu usage going bonkers, it's working and you'll have to wait a bit
if not, try nightly build in #links if you havent
other than that, something might be bottlenecking the lod gen task (HDD, slow cpu, etc.)
its taking a lot of cpu
then it's working as intended
just wait for like 10 mins while in-game then
in a meantime go grab some food or etc
i have for even 40 min
nothing changes
stable release?
i had the nightly 1.20.1 then the one on forge for 1.20.1
both are the same
nightly works better
by a tiny bit
this is with just dh i assume
i tested it with and without other mods
delete DH config, and only change CPU Load in settings to I Paid for the whole CPU
then test in a new world
other than that idk, i'll wait for devs to check in ig
and this is with no log spamming errors in the chat rite
same with the minecraft log thing
^ if 10-15 mins still no gen, then i'll wait for devs to check in cuz idk

ig this is with new save+default config (except cpu load) then?
cuz it's spitting something about old data
still not fixed
but i will give it more time
didnt do anything
can you send latest.log?
nothing changed there also
and i closed it lol
just send the last one
and send mod folder screenshot

remove optifine and duplicated essential mod
anyway, try with just dh+sodium+fapi+indium
no change

can you post the latest.log file\
in .minecraft/logs

I just did a raw minecraft on essential and it did the same thing
everything was fresh
idk how to use mods in base minecraft tho
mod folder dont work lol
post the latest.log file here
not screenshots
spawn then i went in a strieght line for defalt settings besides the cpu thing

also thanks a lot for helping
I spent 7 hours trying to figure it out
i made it worse somehow

even if you wait a few min?
ima go to the gym and come back
I probably put 20+ hours into fixing it lol
My friend, who gets 500 FPS with the same mods also has the same problem
so something is up thats not my pc
if its still gonna be the same then no idea, i switched CPU load to aggressive and waited like 10-15min and this is what i came back to


after 20 hours i fixed it
I had to get the right sodium and indium and some other stuff
I cant remember most of the things i did
happy for you bro, congrats🥳
Is that with Chunky because there are so many chunk gaps there.
That's a bit silly innit
You wont get banned for it as long as you dont try to bypass the bot
So please dont send a screenshot of the word that was literally just blocked
are you kidding me

I'm not allowed to say this word
It's not a swear word it's a man made structure why is that blocked
Here's the message I was trying to send: I disagree with the idea that a word such as 'the word I'm not allowed to say for some unknown reason' is too vulgar for this server's rules.
bro, can u send mods that u have?
I have DH, fabric, indium, iris, sodium - from automatic installer by Iris
and have the same problem u had
and what did u mean "right" sodium and some other stuff?
i got a few mods
which mods?

ok, which mods exactly were "right"?
How do I fix DH from crashing when I join my server?
bro create a new post, here is another theme
idk but the one i ran into i had to delete dh config
well I did but no one is responding
well that's kinda strange
cuz u even have dh 2.0.1
I also had to run the cpu on the "I paid for the whole cpu" and let it sit there for a hour
for a hour? that's useless
and i came back and it was the right distance
Do I have to delete my configs?
i went to the gym and came back
dh one in files and try to launch it again
I understand but when u gonna play normally, adventure etc, u gonna have this problem again
depends on the error
I don't think u gonna just sit for hour to load 1000-2000 blocks in one way
before it wouldnt load no matter how much time you sit there for
I hate this crash
what cpu and gpu u have?
all fox
its a old gaming laptop
with dh off i get 90 fps
ima see how long i takes for me to see the normal 128 lod
about 30 mins