Old replicas still running?
Hi! I seem to have a weird issue where old replicas are not being cleaned up it looks like.
I can see logs for the old replicas in the observability tab but when looking at the actual service those logs dont appear.
Not sure how to propely get this cleaned up. It's problematic because a good portion of my jobs are executing on old code
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also doesnt look like theres anyway i can find to kill those old replicas
Removing the service doesnt remove the old replicas 😦
scaling down replicas also doesnt change anything, seems like the issue probably stems from these replicas being orphaned from the service
oh ok i think i figured it out, failed deployments dont get auto removed
UI feedback: show failed deployments that are still running please
the observability tab shows you logs from past and present, so aside from seeing the logs, what makes you think they are still running?
im seeing live logs
i changed the log statements and the old ones from ~2 days ago were still running now
ive resolved it now thoughg
ah so some of but not all of the replicas failed
this was the issue
and the failed one then got buried in my deployment history
so i didnt know it was running
i actually wasnt even able to find it in the ui, i manually constructred the URL for the deployment and then hit remove
gotcha, good feedback! mind posting that here? https://help.railway.app/feedback