Setting the filament default page
I'm getting an error on my production site stating that: No default Filament panel is set. You may do this with the default() method inside a Filament provider's panel() configuration. Error Type: Filament\Exceptions\NoDefaultPanelSetException
I never had to set that locally or on my staging site. /admin would just get me to the dashboard.
Why do I suddenly have to set this and how do I get the standard behavior? I guess I need to edit the default() method in the AdminPanelProvider.php, but what do I put in there?
Also, when looking in the
folder, it's empty.15 Replies
Is there anything else I need to do when deploying? I'm really confused, why this is happening.
When looking at the source of the
method, it seems that it just wants a boolean value...->default(true)
phpStorm IDE would have pointed that out 😉
cries in poverty
why is this necessary on my production page and no other site?
Think their Beta releases are still free just need updating all the time.
Should be required on most... Possibly a requirement in an update
OK... I couldn't find anything in the docs about it.
meh, doc's smochs
Can you update your other app and see if the same error happens?
I'm in the process of doing so...
OK, it seems to work now
the fact it is NoDefaultPanelSetException means it's likely been added at somepoint. If you can pin point the version we can put an updated doc note.
OK, I'll look into it
To be clear: I should see, when the Exceptionw as added on github and create an issue to add it to the issues?
BTW, why wouldn't it default to true, if it's necessary?
Or it could create the AdminPanelProvider with
Anyway, I'll leave it in the issue notes
Thanks for the quick help!It's a good point... I suspect default isn't true by default unless defined to avoid multiple panels haven't defaults and loops going loopy.
makes sense. Still should be documented for us peasants.