Valorant Freezing
Is there any way I could reduce the amount of memory used by Valorant to lower the chances of my game closing on its own or even freeze during gameplay?
I feel like those numbers are too high or is that normal?

17 Replies
Honestly I'm not sure what causes my game to behave abnormally but I think that high memory does it
try to completely delete overwolf
I'll try that
Actually, I can't do that
It'll uninstall my screen recorder (Outplayed)
Or do I just disable recording for Valorant for my game well-being
well try to just close overwolf then:agony:
completely close it
@Aim Nu updates?
So far my game have yet to freeze or anything
And also it got to 2gb now
Guess that worked
yea overwolf has recently caused problems
Oh no it happened after the match ended

How much gb your ram has
Its normal for me
Nvm its not normal
Can you please go to "remove and delete apps" on windows search and go to valorant, click it and how many gb it is
Send ss
are u playing on all high graphics?
if not, then there's a memory leak
val shouldn't take 5-6gbs on all low
oh k so another issue now
close riot client
in cmd,
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
then restart ur pc
Lemme try playing with all low and see what happens
How do I check that again?
Okay no crashes no anything
Guess that worked
But why is it that I have to play on low now when I play just fine on high for 2 years?
i think another app is interfering with your ram usage
have you recently installed any new apps that you keep on in the background?
or maybe its just a new update which causes the ram usgae to go up a bit
but anywho, you SHOULD try and close some more background apps
uhhh try using opera gx (built in ram limiter)
chrome uses HELLA ram
also in task manager check if there's any random proccesses in your "background proccesses" that are eating up a bunch of ram
if you find any, MAKE SURE THEY ARENT SYSTEM RELATED, and then right click, and then press "end task"
myb u dont need tele and google while playing valorant?
Oh yeah I opened Tele cuz I was chatting with a friend while in game
Also I closed Google when not using now but that popup would seldomly appear
I was thinking of reinstalling but uninstalling through the settings wouldn't let me
the telegram and overwolf are causing issue
also dont use browsers while playing specially the Chrome
lmao 16 process of chrome only how will game run also the discord has too many prcess idk why try to not use any app while you play game
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.