How does one get out of this rank
Ive been team mvping all act so far but I've only lost rank, I give decent callouts and play controller but my teammates just cant do their job. How am i supposed to get out of this rank.
107 Replies

like i genuinely think my teammates are the problem
i peaked gold 1
and just kept losing
and losing
mvps do not matter as much as you think they do
i know kills usually dont matter that much
it is also quite frankly impossible to tell what is going wrong in those games without seeing a vod
but my teammates are just trash
it is also statistically impossible for you to lose this much due to teammates
i was also struggling in silver
as if you are 'higher ranked' than these people
so im the problem?
then its 4 silver and 1 higher elo player vs 5 silvers
Get some friends and stop solo queuing if teammates are ur problem
i played against golds the other game
get a duo
my friends suck ass too
that's within the 6 rank allowance for low elo
Make new ones
yeah getting duo helps
Its not that hard
yeah i had a duo
i got out of silver just instalocking reyna
until he got hardware banned for no reason
since I perform much better then my teamates
'no reason'
U don't get hwid ban for "no reason"

go here or add people you find are good in your soloq games
like im mostly playing against people thats gold or the same rank as me
but i still lose like 20 rr
each game
coping about losing in silver games is gonna get you nowhere, these games are perfectly valid rank wise
share a vod if you're so convinced you are the goat
well im on a shitty laptop
How shitty?
so recording is gonna bring down my fps a lot
60 hz usually 80 fps
all I'm hearing is excuses
I bet its still better than mine
rank this, teammates that, laptop this
Yea thats def better than mine
so basically
im the problem
is that what youre saying?
Get some good teammates.
100% with this ego
If u think teammates are ur problem.
my teammates losing a 1v3 is my fault when we already have spike down and sh
Its the only way
another made up scenario
show the vods if this really does happen
I told u, get some good teammates
literally happened last game dawg
cus I guarantee you if I were to queue a silver game, even those guys would listen to comms most of the time
on ascent
a main
and I would win literally every single game
i said that they were a main
but my reyna was heaven and still looking back at spawn

im literally facing gold 3s
you are facing ONE gold 3
They are like 3 ranks above u
Its not that deep

you said you were gold too
and that your teammatesare the problem
i hit gold 1
and lost it in 2 games
then it sounds like you are where you belong
accept that you are the problem and sling a vod if you really are so blindsighted by your ego that you can't see it
ill do that later
and I will personally let you know exactly why you are gold
so that you can work on it
Arii got no chill :please: :please:
should i use obs
and just post on yt?
and send u the link
whichever recording software you prefer
also i use stretched res so idk how imma record it like that
alright imma go for now
ill record a video later
you can set aspect ratios in obs
even just a black bars recording would do though
And im saying they are the problem because most of the times we try to retake a site they just try and flank instead of playing together and end up dying
communication 👍
"Hey Reyna, can you retake through heaven with me? I'll smoke A main, you flash out and we drop towards gen"
quick question
i just had a valorant game
where my duo went afk cuz he had to eat dinner
before the first half
i had a more kills and played with my team the whole time
but i still lost more rr than him
how is that fair

he is also 4 ranks below you so even though you get the loss reduction it still makes sense
it can also be due to mmr differences
dont see how a 4v5 is fair and that I should get penalized more when he was the one that disconnected

i know i didnt do exactly good
but at least i was with the team
teammates are always the problem if you're below diamond, and there is basically nothing you can do about it. I recommend you to just keep doing better, you had 18 deaths in your match mvp game, analyse how did you die, what could've you done better to not die and get out of hard situations
I was having the same problem when I was silver, I carried my team so hard and still lost
But yeah, there is nothing we can do to change them, just learn off our mistakes and move on, you'll rank up eventually
One thing is that it doesn't necessarily matter how many kills you get, but who you get kills against. If you're fragging well against players lower rank than you but not against players of the same or higher rank, you're not going to get as much rr because the game deems you're not performing at a high enough level.
Another factor can be your role. Playing sentinel/controller in silver can be quite difficult, especially controller because you don't have a lot of high fragging utility. Your role as a controller is to cut off enemy line of sight for your team so they can take the site easier, but you'll find your teammates hesitant to enter onto the site first. Even when they do, you don't get anything on the scoreboard for fulfilling your role correctly.
The controller is a thankless role and while I'm not saying you can't frag out, I am saying it's more difficult, as it's not the purpose of your agent's kit
It's why a lot of people generally recommend locking duelist and going for elims when you're in silver, which unfortunately feeds into the cycle of lurking/baiting duelists getting kills that don't have any impact on the outcome of the game
well i play omen because it is kinda like a duelist while you can also be useful to the team with smokes

like in this game i was put against a gold 3 omen but they ffed 5 rounds in
and i barely got any rr
but whenever i lose a game i would lose a lot of rr even tho i would do everything for the team
you're in mostly bronze lobby, and you're silver, that's why
and like I said, there is nothing you can do about your teammates nor the rr system
so basically
if i win
i get like 10 rr
if i lose
i get -30
game thinks im radiant or something
like i get it if eggster gets -12 per loss but im in silver
I know it's frustrating, but again, we can't change that at all
More like, the game sees that you're silver and wonders why your losing to bronze players/not winning against them more decisively. It thinks you must need to go down a rank
Also the disparity between rounds can have an effect I believe. You'll lose more rr if you lost a game 4-13 than if you did 11-13, again because the game wonders why you're
-not winning
-not winning decisively
Thats kinda sped if im doing good why should i be losing rr because of my team
It sucks, but at the end of the day Valorant is a team game. You win or lose together
my diamond teammates don't listen to comms 😭
I instalocked reyna from silver to plat
had to do all the work cause goddamn silver players are dumb💀
Yeah I don't mean it's a team game as in "everyone holds hands and works together and everyone is happy"
I mean it as "it doesn't matter how good you do, if the team loses, you're gonna lose rr"
Like that's just how it be
wanna q?
cant today
i got a essay overdue lol
i mean whenever you want then
They most likely do, a lot of people in valorant for some reason are scared to talk on the mic but will still listen so it’s hard to tell the difference
If they aren’t listening at all then it’s probably due to bad comms or them just being unsalvageable which is a lot more rare
or they're just too stupid
That too I guess, those people typically disappear after ascendant though luckily
i have a feeling im gonna be hardstuck diamond though 💀
my aim is falling off too hard
You don’t really need good aim in valorant, it helps, but you can hit radiant by just having good game sense and like the bare minimum of being able to win gunfights

im getting out 🙏
ignore the 9 and 9 game
my team jus ran it down every single round and i couldnt get kills
i fell to p3 and got banned till april 5 cause i yelled at a teammate 😬
mb fr
doing good
you'll get out of silver