Mythic Car Lobby Collect

Why Can’t I collect The mythic car lobby? It says you have to Obtained 3 vehicle finishes of the same series. But I have 3 vehicles finishes of the same series which is from Dodge Car Collab. I Have (Dacia, Coupe and Uaz finishes ) of the Dodge collab. Why can’t I collect the Lobby? Please can someone tell me how I get The mythic lobby?
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4 Replies
BarricadeX・FBOP12mo ago
@Moderator ?
🗿12mo ago
Hello, @BarricadeX・FB! All the Supercar collaborations which came before or will come in the near future in the in-game event Speed Boost will be count towards the Auto Showroom. You cannot obtain the Auto Showroom lobby theme as the Dodge collaboration came with a separate in-game event Unleashed Muscle before.:BE_spin_star:
BarricadeX・FBOP12mo ago
Ohh ok🥲 Well , now I understand why I couldn’t get it. But hey Thank you for the information.
🗿12mo ago
You're welcome!

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