Dh on multiplayer server

hello, i have several questions regarding how distant horizons works, particularly in a multiplayer server. - first, does Dh only generate Lods for chunks that are visible, like how minecraft only generates chunks that are in front of you? because my pc takes a long time to load Lods so i want to be able to just let my mc run for a while without having to do anything and letting it load all it need. - second, is it possible to share Lod chunk files to other players, so that they don't have to load them themselves when they join the world? - and finally, if for example a player builds a house let's say 50 chunks away, so he's in Lod chunks. will the Lods refresh in real time, or do you have to go there yourself for the changes to register and then show up in the Lods?
6 Replies
MarijnIsN00B13mo ago
1. https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1035937460334624858/1035940388306960485 2. Yes 3. No Without server side support, the server wont send any info beyond the players render distance, so DH has no way of knowing what is beyond that or when someone changes something But there is a server side fork in the works atm #Server side fork
Groblockia_OP13mo ago
is see,thanks, and maybe i'm blind but for my first question i don't see in the faq where does it specifies if it only generates chunks that are in view or every chunk around the player
MarijnIsN00B13mo ago
If you click on the https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1035937460334624858/1035940388306960485 then it will send you to the message
Q: Is there multiplayer support? A: Yes, and LOD chunks will save between sessions. However, currently the mod is only client side so you have to explore chunks for Distant Horizons to save them.
Groblockia_OP13mo ago
ah yes sorry, my question was badly worded, i was talking about how it generates in singleplayer and while we're at it, so if i generate Lods in a singleplayer world and then go into a server that has the same exact world, can i transfer the file?
MarijnIsN00B13mo ago
Yes And in singleplayer it will generate LODs outside your render distance until all the LODs for your DH render distance are generated
Groblockia_OP13mo ago
ok thank you

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