Studio: Not Enough Info to Infer Relation
Running into this issue:
Any ideas? Based on the stack overflow, the suggestion is that the relationship isn't on both sides, but it seems like I do in this case, no?
There's not enough information to infer relation - Drizzle Team
I am trying to use drizzle studio but I'm running into the following issue,
There is not enough information to infer relation "__public__.collectionsTable.tokens"
Here's a simplified version of the schema.
export const tokensTable = mysqlTable(
tokenId: varchar('token_id', { length: 255 }).notNul...4 Replies
Hello, @stephen! You have to update your
with this
thanks @solo ! i think i've got dozens of these relations configured incorrectly it seems... can you point me to the docs where i might learn more about this second argument?
The relations docs show examples
And the foreign key docs explain the similarities and differences
Drizzle ORM - Query
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
Thanks! Now I'm trying to follow the pattern for a
and am getting stuck.
i think i see it 🤦♀️
yup! i got it! 😅
(I was looking at the wrong table's relations ... 😬 )