Drizzle Team12mo ago

Can I pay for a new feature to be added?

I'd really like drizzle kit to support rollback migrations, to downgrade a database. Can I speak to someone about adding that?
2 Replies
alexblokh12mo ago
hey, @JT first of all thanks for being our first gold sponsor! downgrade migrations are actually in my track in the milestone I'm going through now, so they will land soon, but if you want to financially contribute - who am I to stop you! it actually looks like this: - [done] remove :dialects from cli commands, move to config/cli param - [done] pull relations during introspect - [done] handle Schemas properly, with tables with the same name across different schemas [funded by our gold sponsor] - [in progress] consume Prisma / Sequelise / TypeORM migrations -> Drizzle - [done] custom migration file names - [in progress] down migrations --- release ---
JTOP11mo ago
Thanks for the feedback. I should have said that sooner. Glad to know you are working on it.

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