How to Add Middleware to check if license expired and redirect to somewhere

Before Run login page I want to check Is the license expired or not? If it is expired Is the license expired or not? If it is expired, another page opens for me. I want an example of that. I just want to know where to write the code.
42 Replies
awcodes4mo ago
you need to check it in a middleware then redirect the user to the appropriate page.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
How do it plase
awcodes4mo ago
You’ll need to look up middleware in the laravel docs and explore that first. I can’t write the code for you. 😃
Alnuaimi4mo ago
php artisan make:middleware CheckLicenseExpiration ok?
awcodes4mo ago
That’s a start, yes.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Closure; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect; class CheckLicenseExpiration { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { // التحقق من تاريخ انتهاء الترخيص $expirationDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', config('app.license_expiration_date')); if (Carbon::now()->gt($expirationDate)) { // في حالة انتهاء الترخيص، يتم إعادة توجيه المستخدم إلى صفحة الترخيص المنتهي return Redirect::route('licenseExpired'); } // إذا كان الترخيص ساري المفعول، يسمح بالمرور لصفحة الدخول return $next($request); } } Next, you must register this product as a broker in app/Http/Kernel.php: protected $routeMiddleware = [ // مدخلات متوسطة أخرى 'checkLicenseExpiration' => \App\Http\Middleware\CheckLicenseExpiration::class, ]; after that in web.php Route::middleware(['checkLicenseExpiration'])->group(function () { Route::get('/login', function () { return view('login'); }); }); Route::get('/license/expired', function () { return view('licenseExpired'); })->name('licenseExpired'); // config/app.php return [ // Other configuration options 'license_expiration_date' => '2024-03-12', // Expiry date example ]; I did all these steps and the code did not work
awcodes4mo ago
You need to add the middleware in your filament panel. Unless you are using custom login route. Route(‘login’) isn’t the filament login route so you can’t do that in web.php
Alnuaimi4mo ago
protected $routeMiddleware = [ // مدخلات متوسطة أخرى 'checkLicenseExpiration' => \App\Http\Middleware\CheckLicenseExpiration::class, ]; You mean, add this code here
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awcodes4mo ago
Are you using filament panels?
Alnuaimi4mo ago
awcodes4mo ago
Then there is a middleware modifier in AdminPanelServiceProvider app/Providers/Filament
Alnuaimi4mo ago
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awcodes4mo ago
Yea that one Add it to authMiddleware()
Alnuaimi4mo ago
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awcodes4mo ago
Yep You might want it before the authenticate class though.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
not work
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awcodes4mo ago
Try adding it in middleware() then. I would expect it to work there though.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
did you mean this?
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awcodes4mo ago
Alnuaimi4mo ago
Not even the dd() statement worked.
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awcodes4mo ago
Hmm. Not sure then. Seems like something else is going on. Do you have ray? It might be that the dd isn’t halting since it’s a livewire request. Could also try logging it instead of dd().
Alnuaimi4mo ago
look to this code inside Authenticate not work
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awcodes4mo ago
That’s not the Authenticate::class that filament uses. So you can’t use that one as a test.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
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awcodes4mo ago
Look at the top of the file. Filament uses its own class.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
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awcodes4mo ago
Right. That is not the same file as the class in app/Http/Middleware/Authenticate.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
Can I change to app/Http/Middleware/Authenticate?
awcodes4mo ago
Alnuaimi4mo ago
php filament:make-middleware CheckLicenseExpiration create like this
awcodes4mo ago
Just try Log::debug(‘test’) instead of the dd()
Alnuaimi4mo ago
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Alnuaimi4mo ago
I do , isPersistent: true
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Alnuaimi4mo ago
php artisan optimize after this run dd()
awcodes4mo ago
Try php artisan optimize:clear. Maybe there’s a cache issue.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
this error where create the route ?I have view licenseExpired.blade.php
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awcodes4mo ago
Not sure. Based on what you shared I would expect it to exist.
Alnuaimi4mo ago
if (!$this->validateLicense($licensePath, $keyPath)) { // If the license is invalid or expired, redirect the user to the license expired page return Redirect::route('licenseExpired'); } how to Redirect to file licenseExpired.blade.php in resorce view
awcodes4mo ago
Yea. I’m suprised that isn’t working you defined the ‘licensedExprired’ route in your web.php from what you shared earlier.
delvin282mo ago
i am using filament 3.2 not and it does not work too. maybe have to register the middleware somewhere? @awcodes
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