Filament•12mo ago

Button to create model in other resources

Hey, im looking for a way to have a Action on a resource that is a create of the expecific model i want
4 Replies
if your models are related and it's not too complicated (too many fields or complex conditions), you could do something like this: https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/resources/relation-managers#creating-related-records If you want to create a different model (not related) you could create a Filament action, something like this:
Forms\Components\Actions\Action::make('my action')
->action(function(MyModel $my_model, MyAction $my_action) {
Forms\Components\Actions\Action::make('my action')
->action(function(MyModel $my_model, MyAction $my_action) {
if you need more data than the model, you can inject Get or the livewire instance. Then in your Laravel app, create an Action directory and create an action:

namespace App\Actions;

use App\Models\MyModel;

class MyAction
public function execute(MyModel $my_model): void
// do something
// save MyModel

namespace App\Actions;

use App\Models\MyModel;

class MyAction
public function execute(MyModel $my_model): void
// do something
// save MyModel
awcodes•12mo ago
Have a look at #awcodes-quick-create for a way to read the resource outside the current resource.
GushOP•12mo ago
i did but i wanted to have it in table header instead, is it possible with the plugin?
awcodes•12mo ago
I mean to look at the code to see how it’s able to create actions for resources. And no the plugin itself it’s meant for tables.

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