PostgresError: relation "Session" does not exist

I'm getting this error, but in my schema and my database, the table name is lower case.
export const sessions = pgTable(
sessionToken: varchar("sessionToken").primaryKey().notNull(),
userId: varchar("userId")
.references(() =>, { onUpdate: "cascade", onDelete: "cascade" }),
expires: timestamp("expires", { mode: "date" }).notNull()
(table) => {
return {
userIdIdx: index("Session_userId_idx").on(table.userId)
export const sessions = pgTable(
sessionToken: varchar("sessionToken").primaryKey().notNull(),
userId: varchar("userId")
.references(() =>, { onUpdate: "cascade", onDelete: "cascade" }),
expires: timestamp("expires", { mode: "date" }).notNull()
(table) => {
return {
userIdIdx: index("Session_userId_idx").on(table.userId)
No description
1 Reply
SillvvaOP12mo ago
:FacePalm: I had a function referencing the table as "Session"

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