Railway accept downloading files to the project, in production?

I have a bot, that has to go to certain web, and download pdfs from there, this works in my local host, but when It doesn’t work in production at railway, the other parts of the bot works very well, but I can’t find the files that it is supposed to download, I have searched and read about volumes, but like this is a direct download from chrome using selenium, I don’t know if I can like point that download direct to the volume
9 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
N/A My question is, railway accept this type of behavior? I want to download it, and then send it to s3, then delete it, is not going to stay in the project
Brody4mo ago
at what point is there issues? at the download stage, or at the stage after the downloads?
The download stage, I don’t know where stores that files, I created like a reader of all the files to check, but they don’t exist in any place of the project
Brody4mo ago
so what makes you think they where downloaded successfully?
Well I don’t know😅, the files are downloaded successfully in my local host, railway has restrictions in that type of behavior? Or maybe trying using cypress instead of selenium do you think can change that on railway?
Brody4mo ago
railway doesn't have any such restrictions, this is either a code issue or the site you're trying to scrape is blocking you nothing to do with railway, that's still all up to your code I would suggest adding verbose debug logging to each stage of your code to make sure each stage is doing its job, that will help you narrow down the issue speaking from the experience of helping many users with "it works locally" based issues, please do not put the blame onto the hosting platform, that will only slow down the time it takes you to solve this issue since you would be putting yourself in a wild goose chase scenario, instead, invest the time into debugging your code with better debug logging and alike.
Thanks for your advices, and yes, I already check everything works fine, it is just this step, that I don’t see the files downloaded, I have tried a lot of things thats why I thought it might be something railway doesn’t allow, now I see that I have to try other things in my code to see if it works, just a thought, do you think it has anything to do that the href is like this? href="javascript:doPostBack('ctl00$MainContent$GVHistorial$ctl02$DescargaPDF','')", I searched it and it says it uses ASP.NET, and I have to simulate the click like in the entire element and not just in the href because of that, do you think that “javascript:doPostBack” interfieres with something at the time that is on railway? And sorry again for thinking is railway😅, I want to see all the possibilities I will try using cypress instead of selenium to see if there are improvements, but I am a little lost with that href
josh4mo ago
pretty sure web scraping projects are not allowed on railway