Ways to check if a user liked
Imagine the following objects in your schema:
Post, Likes, User
Imagine also the following relations:
User has many Likes (own made Likes)
Post has many Likes
Likes has one User
Likes has one Post
So Likes
is the join table for the many-to-many connection between "One Post has many likes (from users) and one User has many liked Posts".
If I now want to load a feed, how to effectively check, if the user liked the post, that the user see's in his feed?
By the way: That is not the only part, where this kind of solution append. Imagine having a User, that has many bought products. And one Product has many users who bought that. The join table is then something like "purchase", which contain a one connection
to both: Product and User 9 Replies
hello, @B33fb0n3! Am I right that you want to know, if some user liked specific posts?
yes. Imagine generating a feed and then effectively check if the user liked the specific post. Or in my purchase example imagine checking if someone bought a specific product. Or list all products and check for every specific one, if the customer bought it. Or or or..
So, you can accomplish it using subquery
So, you can accomplish it using subquery
Wow that looks complicated but also seems to be promising. Is that effective to check for every post inside the feed? 2 queries that query a big „likes“ table and that for each post from the feed… 🧐
you should also create composite key for
tableYea, I have the composite primary key 👍
But is it still effective?
hm ok.. thanks 👍