No actions available in a fresh install
I installed OpenDeck from the AUR on my Arch machine and this is all it shows when I open it. It does recognize my Stream Deck Plus, but I can't do anything.

3 Replies
It comes with no default stuff (yet), you have to install plugins to the ~/.config/open deck (I think the rewrite is com.amansprojects?, or something similar).
You install plugins by putting the unzipped folder for them there.
Dev has a repo with a bunch pulled from the store or you can DL them and unzip.
ElgatoAppStoreArchive/plugins at main · ninjadev64/ElgatoAppStoreAr...
Archived plugin files from the Elgato App Store. Contribute to ninjadev64/ElgatoAppStoreArchive development by creating an account on GitHub.
That repo doesn’t work right now, you’ll have to get them from somewhere else
(although catalogue.json does have a download link for all of them)
you can get plugins from here now