stole my account

he stole my account and changed my email address from him, how could he pass the email security? I don't understand something like that..., please help me recover it, I see, I have every real friend who gave me points on my profile, I have every transaction for uc in my mail…
4 Replies
ENIGMATO12mo ago
Thats a good question... All I can think is he guessed your email password or facebook pw or whatever. I would assume your email is also compromised if you had email verification. And I would change your email pw before he changes that too and locks you out of it. Password security is very important. It must have capital, lowercase, numbers, and symbols, and basically you want it to be totally random, and long. At least 10-12 characters if not 16. $p8Re!5uA%M3 is an example of what a secure pw would look like. This one is 12 characters. You can copy it down in a notebook app in your phone and use fingerprint security for the note, and also write it down at home in a special place. I like to camoflage my password descriptions. Rather than write GMAIL PW [email protected] pw: $p8Re!5uA%M3 Ill write Hotmail PW AndrewSmith $p8Re!5uA%M3 i dont use hotmail. And I already will know its so no need to add that. So even if someone finds your pw they wont know what its for. You could even get more creative snd say "wifi pw" instead of Hotmail so they really dont know what its for And then maybe put your wifi pw as "Gmail pw" so you will know they are reversed. And have all your pw like that coupled with others and have them listed so the first 2 are swapped, #3 and 4 are swapped, 5 and 6 swapped ao they are next to each other making it easier for you. This is crucial to list them because with such random pw youre not gonna be able to remember it. Password savers are useful too but then someone only needs to guess 1 password to have access to all of your pw. So it might be a little bit risky but just make sure your Password saver's pw (usually its just ur email pw) is the maximum length. Usually about 16 characters. But i would still physically write down your passwords at home at the very least.... You can also further encode your pw at home in your notebook by writing each character 1 value higher or lower than than what it really is. For example if your pw is !G8i%4rC youd write in your notebook !F7h%3qB notice i left the symbols the same And youll know the F is really a G, the 7 is really an 8, etc. If you really wanna get crazy you can also swap capitals with lowercase So youd do a lower case f and know that it means an uppercase G. An uppercase H would stand for a lowercase i. Etc. @ilavsky I just thought of another way he may have done it. If you logged into the game on his phone, he could have whats called a "keylogger" aka "keystroke logger" installed on his phone. So after you logged out from his phone he would later be able to open up his keylogger app, and see every key that was pressed on his keyboard. Including when you typed in your password to log in. Another way would be if he had a screen recorder which records a video of everything that showed up on his phone screen. So he wouldn't watch the video and see the keys "pop up" on the keyboard for each key you pressed on his phone/device.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
or another acc of his got compromised and he was using same pw (and the site didnt hash properly)
ilavskyOP12mo ago
what can I do? I want to recover it for any purpose, I have all the receipts with uc in my email and everything, please..
Piston12mo ago
Please submit a claim via the in-game customer service for further assistance.

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