Invisible kills or something else?

Hello! We played match with my friends on yesterday and it looks very suspicious. I and my another friend didn't heared grenade sound and also didn't seen explosion. It was another friend that didn't used death replay so we cannot see it from enemy side. I will told them to report that player but what do you think? Is it cheating or maybe bug? Thanks
4 Replies
MrJaroslavikOP•12mo ago
If you need/want, i will send unedited recording
🗿•12mo ago
Sure, you can provide the unedited screen recording. @MrJaroslavik
MrJaroslavikOP•12mo ago
🗿•12mo ago
Unfortunately, I'm not sure regarding this and could not clarify whether it is a bug or a cheat. If you've already reported the player, the security team will surely investigate the account and it will be penalized if any abnormalities will be found.
I and my another friend didn't heared grenade sound and also didn't seen explosion.
You can report this issue in the #bugs channel. Please make sure you provide all the necessary details regarding your issue there, • Numeric User Identification • Server • Device • Country • Operating System version • Network connection (Cellular/Wifi) • Video recording

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