Railway7mo ago

Bug in creating template from existing repository

It looks like when you click the "Generate Template from Project" it includes your database services in the standard "services" list. This causes issues when you try and deploy. The template form wants you to fill out all the environment variables and these should all be automatically created by railway as part of your database spinup. Is there a way you can remove a service from your template? or am I going to have to remake this from scratch?
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9 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: N/A
mykal7mo ago
N/A title should read "Bug in creating template from existing project"
Brody7mo ago
you can't remove services from templates, also not quite a bug because this is technically intended behaviour
mykal7mo ago
Hmm okay. Do you see the issue regardless though? Effectively, if you have a database service you can't use that "generate a template from this project" button because the database service will be pulled in as a service. I see how technically this isn't a bug because databases are just services with volumes + some extra UI in the dashboard now, but it's definitely subpar UX.
Brody7mo ago
yes i do see how it poses an issue, the solution being of course to remove the database from the project before you create a template from it. both these issues will be fixed with the v2 template composer https://railway.app/changelog/2024-02-16-private-threads#sneak-peak-template-composer
mykal7mo ago
Good to know!
mykal7mo ago
ended up getting the template up and published 👍 https://railway.app/template/kwu__Y
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Brody7mo ago
I saw, I left some feedback on its forum post for you
mykal7mo ago
Thank you! I'll check that out.
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