Does images delivered for Cloudflare images include images that are cached?

Are images that are cached still billed for images delivered in Cloudflare images?
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3 Replies
Chaika12mo ago
All delivered images apply to the count limit. The number of delivered images includes any images delivered to an end user at any time during the applicable billing period.
Garrett6mo ago
Sorry to necro but this is the most relevant thread I can find. I'm surprised there's no images role/channel? Anyway, question is: If I store images with cloudflare images, and serve the images URLs through the cloudflare CDN (e.g. proxy enabled in the DNS settings), does each load (even cached through the CDN) count as one delivery? Is there a best practice guide for serving images somewhere? I looked but the docs weren't super helpful, apologies
Erisa6mo ago
Please create your own thread, don't bump an old one, you can copy a link to this one if needed

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