can i suggest here? investigation section.
small and big suggestions from an investigator(as an investigator worker 😄 i would like to suggest upper Dev group to make our job easier :froggie_sip: )
▫️ make numeration list to see where you are in list of videos you've reviewed.
▫️ after opening video, and closing it, list shouldn't be collapsed and throw you back to start point, but leave you there where you are.(you could choose go at top or stay were you are.
▫️ make review videos timeline, where you've reviewed it. not just 03.05.24(because every video of that day have same label as 03.05.24) but the time UTC as well (example: 03.05.24 + 11:35 UTC+0). so when you close video you can track it easier.
▫️ make easier to appeal wrongful verdict(i've seen so many wrongful verdicts last weeks its very hard to keep in touch with support after few days passed to find very same video you've make pin option or at least highlight the video you want to track for future updates.
▫️ make an option to see does enemy have an armor or how many HP he has, so sometimes enemy dies in 2 bullets in normal sircumstanses where enemy has armor and helment it is impossible to kill him if he has 100 hp so we can see is that bullet modification damage or not.
▫️sometimes you can see that not the guy you are reviewing but his team mate or enemy is a cheter, but you only can give verdict on a the reported player (and he is legit) but in video there are clearly cheters, so make an option to investigators to choose, that in reviewed match there was a cheater, and that you can choose the number of cheater that we can see on minimap, every player has number on minimap of a team they are by random so we can give that info to review video of that specific suspect.
12 Replies
@Tencent @Moderator
Post here #feedback
You may drop your suggestions regarding this through the feedback : :Heart_White_AE:
guys i would gladly post it feedback if i could... but as you can see i have no rights to post it there...
i have no permission to post there... for some weird reason...
and in reddit post moderator removes it instantly ...
so only place i can post it is here, and i have questions why i can't post it anywhere where i should...
@Moderator please help...
Might it close for temporary. I also cant post
and moderator for some reasons removed it from redit as well, like i've posted it there and 5secons after it was removed...
like this to have would make to track specific videos so easy and helpful...
Feel free to provide your feedback regarding this to the in-game customer service, @M A T I K🍀.