Cannot deploy on pages after installing remix-pwa
I followed this guide ( to create a Remix app and it could deploy on cloudflare page successfully
When I try to introduce Remix PWA
The deployment has error
Please anyone can help?
Cloudflare Docs
Deploy a Remix site · Cloudflare Pages docs
Remix is a framework that is focused on fully utilizing the power of the web. Like Cloudflare Workers, it uses modern JavaScript APIs, and it places …
Get Started with Remix PWA - Remix PWA
Remix PWA is a compiler that bundles your service workers as well as provide utilities and modules to build your application.
2 Replies
Does it build locally? Sounds like a remix issue rather than a Cloudflare one
Yes, it works on local
- pnpm run build
- pnpm run preview
I am asking here because it is inside
Is it possible that the /build/server
was not build or served on Cloudflare Pages?