cloudflared tunnel via Docker
I am using cloudflared in a Docker compose file with the following configuration.
My problem here is that it keeps throwing the following errors even though it seems to work just fine (request come through and app is served correctly). However, when enabling "restart: unless-stopped", it doesn't work as it keeps restarting.
Wasn't able to find anything on this. Really appreciate the help!
2 Replies
"context canceled"
sounds like a network disconnect error which may be benign, are you sure those errors correlate to the requests you are interested in sending? Perhaps they are related to other traffic e.g. bots.
However, when enabling "restart: unless-stopped", it doesn't work as it keeps restarting.That shouldn't be happening, what errors/log output do you get when that happens?
Even with no traffic. Very odd, I’m maybe going to try without docker to see how it affects it.
I have no extra logs from the unless stopped flag. I’ll take a look at that tomorrow! Thanks 🙌