Help!! My account is gone, like really gone.

Help me please. I have (or had) my account for 6+ years and I stopped playing for months because of work. And when i start to login again a few days ago, my account has been reseted. i always login with my Facebook acc, and when i try it a few days ago it just makes me create a new character, even my nickname is gone and i can use it again in the new account. i've already had a claim to recover my account, but it takes too long. can anybody help me??
16 Replies
Zuelle12mo ago
Hi, @Kingslayer. It takes 14 business days before you receive a reply from the CS Team. We'd appreciate your patience regarding this matter. If you didn't get a reply within the said duration, please let us know. :happyBrownBunnie:
KingslayerOP12mo ago
@Zobel well, it's been a week, but thank you for this info. and another question, can i really get my old account back? if it really can, i'll be grateful, cause my friend is in this account and i want to play together again, i miss them.
M A T I K12mo ago
it can't be just deleted if you manually havent done it and it can be done only via iPhone so, if that wasn't the case maybe you loged in via wrong social(other profile) or at least you can check your UID(if not remember ask your friends to check your account (make new guest account and ask your one of friends to check your accout in popularity history there are many ways to check is your account really deleted or not, if yes and it wasn't you and was done by someone else well pubg can't do anything about it, but if its active and you indeed logged in via correct social, someone who got an access on your account got unlinked your social and thats why you can;t login via it, and now empty social is creating new account instead of login, you can contact ingame customer service if this was a case but its my suggestion not the actual data so you need to investigate 1st whats the issue, whos part it is and then contact ingame customer service or use email: [email protected] to contact support they will answer aprox 72hours. hope you will get your account back, 6year of gaming sadly to lose the progress.
sam0o212mo ago
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KingslayerOP12mo ago
i only have 1 facebook acc, and when i check it, my pubg connection is still active. i can't remember my UID, i didn't screenshot it, nor my friends. and when i check on my friends account popularity, my account is not there, it used to be on top 1, but now it's gone.
KingslayerOP12mo ago
and, i already receive the email but didn't notice it. i check my claims record using the number they sent by email, and it said "processed" and the other email said i could log in to the game using verification code, but i didn't receive any code for log in
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KingslayerOP12mo ago
but, in my friends popularity, there's 1 username that i didn't know, but their popularity is high, and the level and evo is pretty similar to what mine has. i have a suspicion that it was my account, and someone change the name and unlink the account. how can i know if it was mine or not?
bwazy12mo ago
if you’ve replied to the support team when they asked you for an email address, i believe you log into the game via that email address. when logging in by email on PUBG MOBILE, it gives you the option to log in by password or by email, choose email log in and input the email you’ve submitted to the customer service team. once you’ve inputted the email, click obtain to receive an verification code that was sent to your email and enter that code to log into your account.
bwazy12mo ago
like this.
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KingslayerOP12mo ago
i already try it, and it just log in to the new one i made. not my old account
bwazy12mo ago
when you first submitted the claim for your lost account, did you give the UID of the account you made recently? if you did, the customer service team probably helped you get into that account which is why you log into the new one when you’re sent the verification code.
KingslayerOP12mo ago
no, i forgot my old UID, i didn't screenshot it. they ask for uid or nickname, so i put my nicknames, and bunch of other stuff
bwazy12mo ago
hmm, the UID is important because that’s what separates accounts that could’ve possibly had the same nicknames. i’d say just do what the moderation team said and try to keep contacting the customer service team. and also try your best to find the UID of your old account in messages with old friends or something.
KingslayerOP12mo ago
yes i know 😓 i think i have a picture of it in my old phone, but it's broken. i really hope that my account can get back well, thanks for your time anyway
GodDamnSlayer5mo ago
My account is like this when viewing from friends account. Searching with UID doesn’t find the account. It was linked to my twitter and and email. Both are fine and not hacked. Any idea what could have happened? It there any way to recover it?
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G H O S T | R U L E S
In case you cant find UID of your old account, you can search the name from search bar and copy the uid by login the game from new id

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