TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt

I have defined the following schema:
export const customer = pgTable("customer", {
id: bigserial("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey(),
name: text("name"),
email: text("email").unique(),
// ...
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at"),
export const customer = pgTable("customer", {
id: bigserial("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey(),
name: text("name"),
email: text("email").unique(),
// ...
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at"),
export const event = pgTable("event", {
id: bigserial("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey(),
name: varchar("name").notNull().unique(),
description: text("description"),
startDate: date("start_date").notNull(),
endDate: date("end_date").notNull(),
// ...
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at"),
export const event = pgTable("event", {
id: bigserial("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey(),
name: varchar("name").notNull().unique(),
description: text("description"),
startDate: date("start_date").notNull(),
endDate: date("end_date").notNull(),
// ...
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp("updated_at"),
export const eventRegistration = pgTable("event_registration", {
id: bigserial("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
eventId: bigint("event_id", { mode: "number" }).notNull().references(() => event.id),
customerId: bigint("customer_id", { mode: "number" }).notNull().references(() => customer.id),
registrationDateTime: timestamp("registration_date_time").notNull(),
// ...
export const eventRegistration = pgTable("event_registration", {
id: bigserial("id", { mode: "number" }).primaryKey(),
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
eventId: bigint("event_id", { mode: "number" }).notNull().references(() => event.id),
customerId: bigint("customer_id", { mode: "number" }).notNull().references(() => customer.id),
registrationDateTime: timestamp("registration_date_time").notNull(),
// ...
When I open up drizzle studio, and go in to the Drizzle runner table, and enter the following query:
db.select().from(customer).innerJoin(eventRegistration, eq(eventRegistration.customerId, customer.id));
db.select().from(customer).innerJoin(eventRegistration, eq(eventRegistration.customerId, customer.id));
The browser view goes blank, and I see the following error in the browser dev console:
Uncaught TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
Uncaught TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
Anyone have any idea what I'm missing or doing wrong, and what I might be able to do to fix it?
1 Reply
Ricardo Romero
Ricardo Romero10mo ago
I'm having the same issue, except I'm using SQLite. Did you ever manage to find a solution?

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