easy agents

yoo is there any easy agents that doesnt need good utiliy skill? outside of omen and dueslist that dont depends fully on whole team
15 Replies
JSN12mo ago
Sage u just throw wall and slow. U need to be decent mechanically imo.
AvoidMyGyatOP12mo ago
she is pretty pain tho
JSN12mo ago
Are you asking what agent has the least abilities?
AvoidMyGyatOP12mo ago
nah whats are easy to use utility
JSN12mo ago
That's like the whole point of most of the duelists Not yoru, but otherwise they have very little time using abilities so they can entry easier.
AvoidMyGyatOP12mo ago
im inconsistent asf tho
JSN12mo ago
The only way to get better at something is to do it more. Don't worry about what's easier, just play what's more fun and you'll get better at it.
nfgh12mo ago
gecko is the easiest imo
sb12mo ago
^^ skye is also easy so is chamber
JSN12mo ago
You gotta know how to throw the abilities so you can pick them back up And any initiators are really dependant on timing
nfgh12mo ago
U can aim dizzy up or down.... Wingman runs on his own accord. Mosh is the only one who u need to think about. But you cant pick up mosh anyway
sb12mo ago
but his utility isn’t hard to use and can get value pretty easily without learning other mechanics like optimal sova recon spots etc and sentinel setups are hard to get value out of if you don’t know what you’re doing and controllers are bad cuz u need to have gamsense on how and when to smoke
nfgh12mo ago
Gecko requires no skill. He can still be a good agent, but still has a low skill ceiling
sb12mo ago
u still need to know like when to time his util and how to propetly throw dizzy but mostly extremely easy to learn theres just a little bit of things to learn to amster his agent but to play him well is ez
nfgh12mo ago
Idk much about ult timing but I'll trust u on that one. Imo he is by far the easiest agent but idk

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