Valorant wont let me play
after the update Valorant has kept saying i need a system restart to play but iv restarted like 4 times and even shut the whole pc down but it still is not letting me play

896 Replies
@jidat sorry to just @ you out of the blue but after reading some of the posts i see that u are helping out most of the people and was wondering if u could kindly spare some of your time to help me out a bit
Open task manager then details
Close every valorant,riot client and vanguard related app/service
Then open control panel then uninstall programs and uninstall riot vanguard
Open riot client and click on update
It will ask u to restart once
Restart ur pc
And hopefully u should be good to go
unforntunatly that did not solve the problem,
Before i tried to get on valorant today i was also trying to fix my ram problem as i only have 16gb of ram but for some reason it says I'm only using 8gb and the other 8 is reserved but after all the Indian YouTube tutorials that usually fix all the problems in the world it did not fix mine so I'm wondering if all that meddling around may have caused the issue as well as the update
Most probably yes that caused the issue
Open cmd as admin
And type these commands
sc query vgk
sc query vgc
And show the result

Hm something is stopping it from starting
Do a clean boot and only enable vgc
how do u do that exactly
Open msconfig
Then services
Hide all microsoft apps
So u can only see the non-microsoft ones
then un tick all the ones exept for the vgc ones?
Click on disable all
And check the vgc one
and now reboot?
Ye restart
It still has now fixes
Do that again

same thing
Press win+r on ur keyboard
Type services.msc
Find vgc
And start it
And set startup type to automatic

Click on the little arrow up button on ur taskbar
Can u see this there?

Right click on it
Then more
And uninstall
Then open cmd as admin again
Type these commands
sc delete vgk
sc delete vgc
both succes
Now open my pc
Go to ur C drive
Then program files
And find the vanguard folder
Delete the vanguard folder
Open riot clieng
It should tell u to updage
Update it and it will ask u to restart ur pc and restart it.
it wont let me update
What does it say?

will i try restarting
Spam click it for atleast 4-5 minutes
Like literally spam it
No kidding
i can do that
ok iv been none stop spamming it for the past 5 mins
Any results?
its till going from update to download backto update then back to saying "something unusual has happend. we suggest retrying or restarting. otherwise, contact our player support team"
Restart ur pc
And try spamming it again for 5 mins
If it doesn't work then we try sum else
alright iv spammed it alot again
its doing the same thing tho
it looks like im still clicking it but im not
welcome to the party thats not really a party
just a pain in my ass
@jidat Help this poor man
oh dont u worry
he has been trying his very best for the past like hour
@jidat Wake up right now
nah he deserves a break
all this nonsense has probably killed the poor guys brain
Ok found it
found what
oh the ticket
@jidat You're taking a very long
Bich i am investigating the pc got virused guy
Just get him to send me the vgk logs
Using the riot repair tool?
ill just sit here and stare into the sun while i wait
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

Oh god
Oh god plz make this easy for evryone present here
im so confused
Open cmd as admin
And type this command
Wait is it even on mbr lol
Search for disk management in windows settings
Open it and send a ss
theres no disk management in settings
It's not in settings just search it up with Windows search

thats all i got
that's it

Now that would have been funny if we ran it
:val_KekwSob: :val_KekwSob:
The disk 0 in the command reminded me that ngl
Right click on disk 1 on the left side of the blue lines and go to properties
Then volumes
And show a ss

Wait what
You clicked on the wrong thing

that was dsk on
Click this
that was it no?
You click wrong thing
U don't know how to click
oh shit
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
i read ur msg wrong
i thought u ment "on the blue line"

Go to volumes
And send a ss
Then click on the volume tab

Oh god
Don't make it hard on us :Omen_Cry:
Close all that
close everything that i just opened?
Open cmd as admin
And type this command
im sorry guys
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:1 /allowFullOS
i wish i didnt have this problem in the first place
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
And show the result btw
MBR2GPT: Disk 1 Validation failed

:Iso_Wow: :Iso_Wow: :Iso_Wow: :Iso_Wow:
good or bad
Now type this
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:1 /allowFullOS
Beat you to it
I actually wrote that cuz i knew u were gon send that

Let it run
God :val_CatBigStare:
oh ya it just fully ran
my bad im no pro
Show ss
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:

be patient with me jesus
Ok wait right there
im waiting
Where the fuck are they gonna go
@Saucywan thats the error that 1 guy got?
to fuck off land
@Saucywan do we need to run sum else to fix that first?
i hope not :(
In cmd as admin:
reagentc /disable
Then: reagentc /enable
it was aleady disabled

Sorry can you wait one moment
So sorry
nah honestly dont you worry
what else am i gonna be doing
riot support aint gonnna respond to my ticket untill 2025
Close ur cmd
Press win+r on ur keyboard and type sigverif
Open it and press start
it finished
Show the result

thats all it says now
Click start
I also didn't mean on them
I meant on the other guy
but ok

The banned one?
What would that do
Press ok
Then click on advanced

View log

Yeah just close it ig
We will need to convert it to gpt
is that hard
Don't restart ur pc or u won't be able to boot in windows again
as long as it doesnt take that long
Got anything yet?
For who
For our funny hacker?
no for me
One sec
In admin cmd
bcdedit /enum all
Send photo

Oh right you have to do it on windows recovery environment
why is this problem so deep jesus
Ig we just restart the pc and set it to uefi in the bios and pray for the best :val_CatBigStare:
@jidat It should be fine
It's just scary how the recovery environment isn't enabled
so what am i doing
It's most likely because they have to set to uefi
So ur pc will have approx. 2 minutes in the recovery environment and u will have to type 8 different commands. If y don't ur pc will be cooled
my pc will be cooled?
not good
but if its fast typing i need to do then its all good
Wait u failed that one command
Make it 12 commands
well how long are they
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order.
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
reboot the router then reboot the pcLike 6 of these Can u manage?
6 of the reboot the router and then reboot the pc?
What the hell are you doing this for
i have no clue
No no
It was just an example
The commands are different
wtf is this all for anywayy
I made all of that up :val_CatBigStare:
now im even more confused but ok
if they that long it shouldnt be a problem
I was jk lol
Nothing will happen to ur pc
There is no 2 minute deadline
no risk
no reward
Instead there is a 1 minute deadline
You can safely turn on uefi mode
feels like i just hit on a 16 against a dealer 5
And u will have to write a whole sequence of codes enough to make 10 games like valorant
now ur pulling my leg
Ok enough joking now lol
@scooby the duck uk how to open bios?
nah but it is funny
its like f12 innit
or f11
or like a stupid x
or sumeshit
fuck do ik
if press them all itle work eventally
Wait is it a laptop or pc?
very shit one but a pc
Hm it should be f8
Or f2
im pretty sure it is f8
Restart ur pc and get into the bios, use ur phone to chat here
I have the same error. After the update I started getting
Sorry we are having trouble signing you in right now
All I have rn is a black screen with a flashing white line at the top
U didn't get into the bios?
Once i restarted it basically gave it to me
It shouldn't do that rly
its del
its a asus mb
Yes it is a asus
Asus is F8
Well neither of them or doing anything rn

U stuck on the black screen?
I’m on pc not laptop
I got it now
I just had to shut down pc
Now what
Its the f2 key
U in bios?
I just pressed both del and f8
One of them worked
Now what am I supposed to do
I wonder which
Idk but what I’m really wondering is what to do now
Go to advanced mode
Then advanced tab
Wait no, go to boot
Ok I’m at boot
Then CSM configuration
Does it say enabled there?
Can as in boot setting configuration
Uh yea
Just send a photo
Just to confirm

That ain't no asus bios
My mother board is asus
Just go to advanced

go to boot
Can we go one bath
Not half way down every single path
I’m at boot now what
Show photo
Same photo as the first one

Boot settings configuration

Thats a weird bios smh

Csm is probably on
Have you guys switched to uefi yet?

Iv had Terry on my shit for so long
Only if we could find it
We might have a problem

Well I'm gonna make a mental note of that
Make sure to check the BIOS first
noted :NOTED:
So how do we revert it back to mbr?
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
While I’m in the bios
Is there anyway to fix my ram
Because on task manager it says I’m using 8 Gb of ram and 8 is reserved
Like I wana use my full 16gb
Not just 8
Never heard of that
I have a picture of it hold up
@scooby the duck Can you get back into windows?

I can try
I have never seen that
I only noticed it today
And was trinna fix it
But the yt tutorials wernt fixing it
And then I gave up wanted to hop in val and then vals had update so I update it then it said I needed to restart so I restarted and then it said it again and again and then blah blah blah here we are
Hm yt tutorials u say
I be googling how to fix the issue and watching them videos
Of those nice Indian men who fix all our problems
Also the pc won’t boot up now
It’s just stuck on black screen

Well shit
We need to get into the recovery environment
Now there is actually a deadline
No there isn't
@scooby the duck So do you have a windows installation tool
For no particular reason
Like a usb?
But I would like if you said yes
With Windows on it, yes
I in fact do
Oh god
@Saucywan we need to start telling anyone we help with this to make one before this 😭
Because you're going to need
Why do so many people have a dumb bios
This is the 3rd time this has happened
Like why don't you have a UEFI thing
I’m sorry I’m not balling with money to spend on a pc
The two others were dell so don't mind them
It's not your fault blame Asus
Like see how they said it with a straight face
"We don't have that option"

Well this is sad
The "thats all" like they are doing us a favor smh
So that usb I thought I had turns out I don’t
Do you have another windows computer?
Iv just looked everywhere
There’s like 3 more in my house ya
Am I going to have to download some shit on a usb now
Bro my problem was with valirant not working and now my whole pc isn’t working
So are yall gonna help me fix my whole pc
Or just leave me fucked here?
You need to get a Windows Installation tool
And how would I do that
Get a usb, make it bootable using a windows iso file and rufus
And is this seriously the only way
And wtf will I do when I get the usb
Just fuck it in and hope it fixed everything?
I think ve wants you to reinstall windows
But idk
If he does I’m gonna reinstall windows and then selll my computer
And never game again
If only had this pc back for not even 3 months
This issue was basically like what happened like 8 months or so back where I had 2 pcs not working and had to bring them to someone to fucking fix them after trying to fix them myself
So I rather not
If you don't want to reinstall Windows. You're going to have to use a third party software to convert back to mbr
So basically I have to reinstall windows
That would be the best choice
But again you can use a third party software
And how would I use that
Reinstall windows or download the third party?
The third party
I already know how to reinstall windows
Iv done it many times
But I rather not do it again as I have basically just got my pc back to its normal condition with all my shit installed and signed in
Download MiniTool Partition Wizard on another computer
then, create a bootable USB drive using the software.
That’s it?
Well no but you'll need the USB before I can continue
After that it's just boot from the usb and convert from gbt to mbr
I’ll have to do that sometime tmrw then
If your still around
Yes ofc
Im gonna install the third party software on a usb now
Ok :D
And it’ll make my pc be able to boot up without wiping the whole thing?
Easy then
So I’m just installing the mini tool innit
So what do you mean by create a bootable usb drive
One sec while I download the software to walk you
Sorry it looks to be paid
Ain’t there a free trial or sum shit
I kinda need my pc to be working brother
I'm trying to find a free app
One sec
diskgenius . com
@scooby the duck ^
Will that work?
It allows you to create a bootable windows environment with the software already installed on a usb
And it allows you to create a boot partition for Windows in the MBR format without data loss
Alright I’ll get working on that soon
Ok so iv downloaded it
Select, Tools/Create WinPE Bootable USB Drive of DiskGenius

Are you on windows 10, or 11?
Now is it ok that I downloaded the disk genius on the usb aswell
Windows 10
We are going to create a bootable environment with at already on it
So there's no reason to transfer anything
Ok good
It’s writing winpe to usb flash drive now
Looks like ur about to hack my whole pc

I'm also going through this
So we'll both be hacked together :Bejjtogeth:
Together forever
As long as they let me play games after stealing all my info idm
Maybe they will fix my val and give me cheats idk

Well if they do you'll be banned so hopefully not
Press ok
Not if they are good cheats idk
I never used em
my usb is done
Also the winpe is successful you created
Now what
Boot to the usb
So boot the fucked pc with the usb or what
Do I enter bios or just let it do its thing
It should automatically boot the USB
We shall see
It did nothing
When your pc is booting press F12
Can do
Also did nothing
Oh great
Same shit new day

Do you know how to change the boot order
Through bios some how
What do you mean by boot order tho

Click on that and you should have more options
Find your USB and said it to one
The removable device?

Will I add a second boot device!
Just save and exit

Did you change any other settings in your bios
Only the boot device
Your USB drive is plugged in correct
It has its light on
Plug it back into your other system
I could plug it in the back
Ya was about to say that
Will I turn the pc off first
You can yeah
Cause it just worked for me
Ight bet
We try not
And hope for best
Same thing as last time
you’re trying it on your main system?
As in my pc?
Or the system that actually works
Now I’m confused
Wym main and the one that works
You have two systems the one that’s broken and the one that works
Where did you plug in the USB just now
The one that is broken is my pc that I’m trying the usb in
And the one that works is my brothers laptop
Where I installed the usb
Plug it back into the laptop
Oh ok
Open up the software again
Let’s not break my brothers laptop
I don’t wana die by that giant
Ok it’s in the laptop
Now what
Laptop is on btw

Now what
Click on the USB drive

^ send a photo like this

It is indeed an mbr format
Now like this

It should boot
Ya well so should my pc in general but here we are
Actually it shouldn't boot :D
Wish it did
Iv only had it back for like 3 weeks
Try plugging in again
Because it actually just should work

That’s all I see
You turned off and back on your computer?
Back to the laptop
send this

I don't think it finished installing
This is what it should look like

So not like this

Click on files

send photo

To fast for you old man
Back out of that
You're currently in the boot folder

It didnt finish
Well that’s no good

This is what mine looks like in the boot folder
I see
So what I reinstall?
So try try again

Tools/Create **
Now we wait
Select the correct drive

And press ok

Press Ok

Press ok
and show

It’s the same
As mine?
As the old picture I sent
We're going to wipe it
How big does the usb have to be
800mb or bigger
Maybe not
Like the usb is only 3.74 Gb
Delete everything on it
It still says some stuff is on it but it’s not showing anything on it
Find your drive in file explorer

Right click and press format
Then press start
now open disk management

And make sure it's one partition
It is
Inside of the software

Make sure there is nothing except system volume information
If there is something select it and press delete on your keyboard
There’s nothing but system volume
Now make the bootable usb
Okie now we wait

Welcome back
Why didn't u just make a bootable pendrive in uefi format with rufus
U have some important shit on the C drive?
What drive
On ur windows drive
On the fucked pc?
Why didn't u just reinstall windows?
They don’t want to wipe the drive
Because I just got the pc back
@scooby the duck whats on that drive?
And I don’t really wana be arsed to sit through re installing every single thing and signing into everything agains
My games
Is the USB done
Honestly nothing important
Press OK
Now it’s done

Now, plug it into the PC
And restart
I swear to God if this doesn’t work
We gon make evryone to make a restore point and a bootable usb before this shit
A restore point won’t do shit
I have bad news
If we get into the recovery environment then wynaut
No you don’t
It’s just this again

Press enter
Bro I’m in it right now
Like I’m staring at it
Why is your PC refusing to boot it

What ur in my pc?
Go to your bios
Don’t look at my huge dp’s
A actual good motherboard brand
You may get jealous
Asus is good
Shit up rich ass
But apparently the earlier lineup is shit
I’m in bios again #
Go back to boot order and make sure the USB drive has one
It is
Plug it in the fucking laptop
Go to file and then reboot to disk genius win PE version
Wait what am I doing
Like this is where I’m at

Press file up top
The laptop restarting

It opened with the usb

You’re fucking system is broken
Yall broke it not me
I knew I needed an upgrade
U remember how it said use winre?
To repair it?
I swear to God if it’s because it won’t boot because it’s not MBR
Probably is
Will I just wipe the fucker
Like it’s honestly to much of a hassle
I say
And I don’t wana waste any more of ur time
Time is money
And we have a lot
Not money
But time
Wish you had a lot of money
Nah yall broke my pc
Buy me new one
Asus broke your computer
Blame them
Ok now listen
I agree
I’m all ears
Format that pendrive, use windows creation media tool to get a windows iso then use rufus to make that pendrive bootable, in UEFI mode btw
And make it gpt
Bro just come to my house and do that shit wtf
I have one more solution
That may work
That sounds like a lot
Will work
Have faith
Takes like 15 minutes
Right click the stupid USB drive
And press convert to GUID
Does it matter that the pc is currently running off of it
I don’t see concert to guid
Show me

That’s the volume
Click the USB drive
I’m stupid
Yeah u r
Ok I pressed convert to guid portable whatever
Rude mf
I’m reporting you
Get banned
Press save all in the top left
Then go to file and then shut down computer
Once your computer is shut down
You can unplug the USB and plug it back into your computer

You should already know I can’t get past stage one without hitttijg a problem
Check and correct errors

Press on it and hit correct
Only thing that it lets me click is removable disk but doesn’t highlight correct
Just install the fucking windows installation thing
I go now
Before I hurt somebody
So this
I have to hold back satans anger rn so I understand
So where do I go for the windows creation tool
lol still figuring it out
On the fockin Microsoft website
Bro tell me about it
Ok calm down
Just search windows 10 installation media on ur browser
Play cs2 lol
and I like val
then fix it lol
wtf do you think we are doing here
Also btw make sure u download the iso file inside the media creation tool
Bro is so smart
idk doing shi
Ur telling me this now
I told u this in the first message i sent u
Yes and I told you I’m stupid before that
I haven't seen grass for 69 years
I can tell
Wink wink
Where do I find the iso one not the media one
The iso one is inside the media creation tool u fockin idiot
Scooby rn
I am sleepy
Don’t worry brother
Ur currently helping me
Swear as much as you want to me Idm
I play games it’s Litrelly nothing
Ok bye imma go sleep then
Not yet fucker
First this shit then you can fuck off
Its 2 AM
So download this

2 degrees outside
I don’t remember FUCKING ASKING
then go for walk
At 2am?
Now after downloading it what now
Open it u dumbass
Late night walks
Go smoke some weed idk
Have u opened it yet or no

I feel the urge to ban you
I agree
Did they just get banned..
Sadly not
my bro wrote this shi
For sure
SHOW THE NEXT SCREEN @scooby the duck
So I’m creating iso file ya
I swear
While thats happenin
Download rufus
anyways I'm going to play cs2
Have fun cheating
Fuck off
get my fing 100 hours
On the laptop or USB
In ur brain
On the laptop
I ain't cheating
On the god dang laptop
My bad
See the bot agrees, go away
Bye bye
I'm staying here
Damn i just remembered i have exams from monday
Damn, you should go
I'm sigma:Brim_GigaChad:
Procrastinate on that
I should sleep

Its like 2;30 rn
As long as on of you are here to help Idm
You do not need me to walk you through that
Press the top one
So ruffus 4.4
@jidat wake up
Onto laptop
Did the iso finish downloading?
It’s 39%
40 now
You don’t need to count
Yes I do
Technically, this is excessive SPAM
Also where does the iso even download to?
So I could just ban you
Straight in the downloads folder?
The usb
Pls don’t
Wdym the usb
I think I downloaded it to the usb
What option did u fockin select
You better hope you put it on the USB
Because you’re gonna take another six hours to transfer if you didn’t
I clicked usb
Did not*
I’m pretty sure
I’m on my phone very hard to type
Man my brain forgets everything straight away.
U had to click upgrade this pc then u would've gotten the option of the iso file
@jidat I’ll see you in three hours when I wake you up
What the fuck are u doing
Why would I click upgrade pc when im not trinna upgrade the fucking laptop
Trying to follow ur orders but doing it indirectly
Remember, they are your instructions
Cuz u need the fucking iso file to put it on the usb using rufus u dumbass
That makes sense
Something I didn’t know
And wasn’t told
Till now?
Oh god
Don't mind me asking
But are u mentally slow?
Oh god

Okay so I upgrade of instead of whatever tf I did before
I apologise for my lack of brain power
Then it will give u the option for ISO
Download the stupid file on your actual computer and not on the usb

So the first option
Create installation media

So Litrelly what I did just into downloads instead of usb
Now do not place it on the fucking USB drive
Ik ik
I don’t make the same mistake twice
I highly doubt that
Defo when ur both yelling at me
You’re the person to measure zero times and then cut
Ok stop with the attitude
I might retire from this job
Atleast I measure over 6 inches unlike you you 3 inch pecker fucker
Giving up already I see
This is a job?
I will just ask riot for the sallary of this 1 week
Ahahah lol
Good pay?
Why do u think we answer evrything?
Even tho if we don't have the answer to evrything
ahm ahm..
$1 per answer solved
But if this is a job then why are you so fucking rude
More if the problem was complex
Honestly not bad
We don’t get paid to be nice
That’s extra

Yall do a pretty good job tho so I can see why they hired
Why would I
Nah but honestly thanks for helping out even if it’s ur job
Oh, because your poor fragile ego
Also some people tip us
My ego is fine
That won’t be me
Yall broke my pc
At least my PC supports UFFI
I can see
Like we had this one guy who wasn't able to solve his problem for like 7 months, he came to us.
20/20 vision
And didn’t come out of World War 1
We fixed it and he asked for our paypal
Ok well it’s not my fault I don’t spend my every pennies on the best pc to play fucking games on
We accept tips by the way
Suck one
That’s valid af
Soooo, my PayPal is saucywan
People even thank is via voicemails
I just like seeing them happy
I don’t even have PayPal
Maybe you can help me set that up
* only if they tip
Sure help me with my English hw while ur here
Most likely the best part of the job
All u need is a fockin gmail
It was a joke
No tip for you then
Sorry your free trial ran out
@jidat will get it all
@jidat good night
I will show u some voice mails 1 sec
Sounds like a job well done
U can hear the happiness :val_CatBigStare:
The download is done
Now open rufus
And show me a ss
Cuz i don't remember how it looks

I got you dw
Press select
Select the stupid ISO file
Wait, is that a 4gb usb?
Ironic now
Isn’t it
@Saucywan u didn't tell them to get a 8gb one?
Also why do u even have a 4gb one
I never told him at all
No clue
Who keeps that these days
Found it somewhere
The way I was using didn’t need one
The minimum is one gigabyte
My way would’ve worked better
I have a friend bringing me a usb with windows on it tomorrow
But didn’t work
It would’ve worked if your PC was actually you know working
Do you have any USB drive that’s 8 GB or above?
@Saucywan what are the chances a 4gb pendrive will work?
It would be working if yall didn’t break it
I can try find one
Have u ever tried doing it with a 4gb one
In the meantime, make a PayPal and pay for premium support
Now comes with double the people to help you
So 4 people yelling at u instead of 2
A great deal if u ask me
That’s the spirit
How much
Sounds like a blast
Also no 8gb usb found
I found a 2 gb one tho
That’s somehow even smaller
How do u even have those..
Try selecting it and downloading it
The smallest one I have is 64 GB
Ireland shit
I lost 1 of my 64 gbs one :val_CatBigStare:
Idk where its at
It just randomly disappeared from my table one day
Maybe it ran away

So what do I do
Yeah maybe
Press start
My aswell try
Click on the device
And send ss
Somehow a 8gb pendrive magically appears
It said the image is to big for selected target
Nothing else shows
Well there u have it.
I’ll be getting a usb with windows on it tomorrow so it can be fixed then
@Saucywan whats the difference in fat32 and ntfs?
A duck walked up to the lemonade stand and said to the man run the stand. Hey boop boop boop, got any grapes
In approx 11 hours or so
How the hell would I know?
Ask Google
What are u getting paid for then
To yell at people obviously
What happens when we make a pendrive with ntfs and what happens with fat32
Fat32 prob makes the pendrive a bit fatter
So it can fit in big usb ports
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
Fat32 should always be used
Thats the question
Because it supports both MBR and GPT partitions
And ntfs only supports?
I think
I like the thing you have under your monitor, where did you get it
asking for a friend
Whats under the monitor :val_CatBigStare:
Oh- ohhh...........
@scooby the duck nah bro u a lil too cultured
I didn't even notice that
Is more space efficient
I want that :danceyea:
Why do you-
People get too comfortable on discord these days smh
Sorry it’s uefi and fat32 not gpt/mbr
So fat32 is legacy?
Ok I have to go now
Bye :val_CatBigStare:
Its weird too
If someone walks in ur room
How do u think they gon react
tbh it would fit with my set up
Ok naw i'm out
it's lit flowers
Now i am curious about ur setup
like there is more flowers than pc on my desk
I wanna look at ur wallpaper :val_CatBigStare:
I can show a old pic (it's rly messy now I need to clean it
I can work with it
tbh lemme just clean it fast
Nah bro i wanna see what u mean when u say messy

what can i do?

open bios and turn on Secure boot
how to open bios not rly good in english
depends what pc you have
to late
windows 11 you mean>
wtf 😭
You should see the bottom of the keyboard
please :agony:
The man’s 23
Who gonna stop him
bro is perv on a next lvl😭
Nah he just likes the design
Ok what the actual fuck
It’s not like he on the laptop 24/7
He hardly on it
That’s what I’m saying
Who missed me??
U lookin at this shit?
I got popcorn ready
Are u ok???
I thought u passed out
Seeing allat
@Saucywan look this shi bich
get a blanket
Its god stopping us from fixing his pc
I say we fuck his brother's pc up too
I saw
Can we?!?!?
What are ur thoughts
Ok i am going to sleep now
I will fucking die
Gn people
@jidat there there
Pls don’t fuck with my brothers laptop
I’m not capable of dealing with that 6’7 gym giant
(I'm lying)
I can tell