account hacked

Hello fellow Pubg players, mods and devs, I lost my Pubg mobile account to a hacker on December 2 2023. I have filed multiple claims since then with no resolution. I have emailed the support and have constantly been replied with automated emails telling me to file a claim online. I have also sent @Error over 50 images with proof of UC purchase and 2 YouTube videos which I posted way before I got hacked . I will attach my UID, with images of the claims I’ve filed. UID: 5650902393:Pleading:
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2 Replies
Error12mo ago
Please submit the account recovery application from your most common device. If you are unable to use your most used device, please contact our customer service via email or in-game, and provide information regarding common login locations, account environments, and device models used.
VivekOP12mo ago
I did all that error! I just need you to look into the 50 plus images I sent to you to prove my ownership

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