I have a table with widgets where I define a custom action, the problem I have is that when I click on the action, before the action event sends an update of the table itself.
If I remove the widgets from that page and only sends the action event and works fine, do you know any way to make that TableAction only send its event and ignore the rest?
Thank you very much
5 Replies
I don't really understand your problem 🤔
I have a table with some widgets using "ExposesTableToWidgets" and in the table actions we have added the action https://github.com/stechstudio/filament-impersonate/tree/master
The problem is that when doing the impersonate the session is changed and it stops having permissions, the problem is that having a table with widgets when calling the action a trigger is fired by the widgets.
GitHub - stechstudio/filament-impersonate: Filament plugin that mak...
Filament plugin that makes it easy to impersonate your users - stechstudio/filament-impersonate
When executing this update, it no longer has the corresponding session and instead of waiting for the response of the action (which is a redirect) it redirects to the default login of this panel.
My question is if there is a way to avoid those default events that trigger the widget trigger when declaring the action.
Hm, good question. I am not sure how this could be prevented, sorry.
I have asked the plugin developer in case he has ever seen this error before.
I was trying injecting into $livewire but I don't see any way to fix the problem.