Filament13mo ago

error isEmailVerificationRequired() error

Currently I can't even do a composer update or install, fails on generate autoload, I saw someone else had the error on the discussion board on git but no resolution BadMethodCallException Call to undefined method App\Models\Forms::isEmailVerificationRequired() at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Traits/ForwardsCalls.php:67 63▕ * @throws \BadMethodCallException 64▕ */ 65▕ protected static function throwBadMethodCallException($method) 66▕ { ➜ 67▕ throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf( 68▕ 'Call to undefined method %s::%s()', static::class, $method 69▕ )); 70▕ } 71▕ } i Bad Method Call: Did you mean App\Models\Forms::isRelation() ? +43 vendor frames 44 [internal]:0 Illuminate\Foundation\Application::Illuminate\Foundation{closure}(Object(Filament\FilamentServiceProvider)) +5 vendor frames 50 artisan:35 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
I've found the issue, I added a trait for isEmailVerificationRequired and isTenantSubscriptionRequired and added it to all of the models impacted
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1 Reply
lmtc13mo ago
I've found the issue, I added a trait for isEmailVerificationRequired and isTenantSubscriptionRequired and added it to all of the models impacted

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