Missing where in findMany with

Hi, i wanna make a 'where' on relation, but typescript dont show me option 'where' in 'with' block. It should be possible according to docs https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/rqb#select-filters
Drizzle ORM - Query
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
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4 Replies
Droutin5mo ago
I think its due to one-to-one relation. Is there plan to support it?
Mykhailo5mo ago
@Droutin hello, yes, it is because one-to-one relation
Droutin5mo ago
will it be supported also for one-to-one? Or how can i filter these one-to-one relations with SQL?
Mykhailo5mo ago
Unfortunately, I don't know about future support for this functionality, but you can create GH feature for this. BTW, what is your use case for this filter?