Server no longer connecting to query.
Last time a query was a day ago, messed with some configs unable to get it to connect.

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Their is no accurate way to query.
The master lists return 200 servers max at a time.
BM has to wait till your server shows on that list.
We can not force it to, we can not make it appear faster or more accurate/often....
45 Replies
Force a query update by clicking the button at the upper right?
Server failed to respond to query a few seconds ago
That should at least get the job running again. Check back on it in a bit
Sounds good
Still failing
It's squad, due to the back end change to EOS, BM can no longer directly query servers,
We have to wait for BM to find it on the Master Server List.
Which isn't the best way, As it sometimes can miss servers, or find them under a different port.
how long does it normally take so I know roughly
Their is no accurate way to query.
The master lists return 200 servers max at a time.
BM has to wait till your server shows on that list.
We can not force it to, we can not make it appear faster or more accurate/often.
Why do you need it to query so importantly?
not important just wanted to know when I can expect to have the stats back
What stats?
Most your stats will be pulling from your RCON Data as it's more accurate.
That's why your server is still online.
It's why your player count is still accurate.

ou werid, player count for me was not accurate

stats are from yesterday
I grabbed a different one.
yeah those stats are still messed up, not showing our stats from today
just showing real time
nothing else
Showing fine for me, odd
what does the 7 day look like?

yeah, so its not saving the stats
which is bad
effects the ranking but
its ight
i guess lol

Unless your RCON went down in that time.
The server was restarted like 4 different times,
like the whole thing
so maybe?
RCON connection info is still the same tho
Yeah if you drop RCON it falls back to query data.
wasnt down all day
ah damn
so I assume no changing that then
Once it's logged it's logged, rank is calculated over 7 days.
so i mean how do I get it to fall back to rcon? if it is using query the data just wont be right at all
One thing I can suggest is whitelisting BM ips on your system & DDOS protection, so it's always able to communicate.
what are the ips?
Listed under your server connection settings page.
Don't publicly share the IPs
all pings are failing
Pings you can ignore, not important

No data is obtained over ping, only query & rcon.

werid, why is it not updating the stats then
all RCON's are passing, same with query
should i try deleteing and readding the connection?
dont know if that would only make things worse or not
ill just leave it overnight and hope it fixes itself
just leave it, history won't change,
Just have to watch new data.
yeah my concern is the data wont show up and we will just kinda like not have data lmao
You can only do so much, things occur that you can't control.
Still no data, just an update
as of roughly 2 hours ago it started responding to query
opening this again. its doing something very very werid, and not updating the stats

not sure why
doesnt just happen with this server either it seems, all of the other servers I have up currently do not have this issue
Yes, I already explained the system & why.