C#13mo ago

How do I make specific tasks download to specific folders?

14 Replies
Angius13mo ago
What, in this list of URLs, defines where it should be downloaded to?
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago
it doesn't, so should I put that there?
Angius13mo ago
How else are you going to know what goes where? You should have something like
public class DownloadList
public required string DownloadLocation { get; init; }
public required string[] URLs { get; init; }
public class DownloadList
public required string DownloadLocation { get; init; }
public required string[] URLs { get; init; }
var downloads = new DownloadList[]{
new() {
DownloadLocation = "/SomeFolder/",
URLs = [
new() {
DownloadLocation = "/AnotherLocation/Somewhere/",
URLs = [
var downloads = new DownloadList[]{
new() {
DownloadLocation = "/SomeFolder/",
URLs = [
new() {
DownloadLocation = "/AnotherLocation/Somewhere/",
URLs = [
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago
ok ok thanks Srry I'm a total noob when it comes to C#, this is only my third project. Is there a way to name each URL list? They also need to be settable to "un-used" as some of them (such as the "Redux/Ultra" ones might not be used. The Required ones can go in one big thing, but other than that they need to be slectable
Angius13mo ago
Just add a name property to DownloadList
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago
ok so would it look something like: var downloads = DownloadList[]{ downloads.Add(new CoreSkse()){//implementation} downloads.Add(new BugFixes()){//implementation} or would the curly brackets go inside the parenthesis like: download.Add(new CoreSkse(){implementation});
Angius13mo ago
What would implementation be?
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago
the list and downloadlocation
DownloadLocation = Core,
URLs = [
"meant for SKSE, need to do the file + edit",]},
DownloadLocation = Core,
URLs = [
"meant for SKSE, need to do the file + edit",]},
this stuff
Angius13mo ago
In general though: 1. downloads is an array, arrays cannot be added to, they're fixed size. You would need a list 2. Unless CoreSkse and BugFixes inherit from DownloadList, no, you cannot do that You can use a list, yes
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago
ok, so I'd have to change it to a list?
Angius13mo ago
And you can .AddRange() to add multiple elements to it How you get those from your CoreSkse and BugFixes classes... up to you Could be a property, could be a method
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago
They're just identifiers, for what settings are chosen in a UI
Angius13mo ago
You can't write code that clearly instantiates a new class, and then just say "oh it's just an identifier" I assume the code you send is what it is
ᛁᛊᚺᛁOP13mo ago

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