Issue with Repeater
Trying to make a form with the repeater where I can pick a date and add multiple members with a type tag. How can I achieve it?
the form:
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
Forms\Components\DatePicker::make('start_date')->rules(['required'])->label('Week Start Date')->required(),
->relationship('member', 'name')
->preload()->rules(['required'])->label('Member Name')->required(),
'Productive' => 'Productive',
'Effective' => 'Effective',
"CEO's Favorite" => "CEO's Favorite",
])->searchable()->label('Winning Type')
and the migration table:
Schema::create('weekly_winners', function (Blueprint $table) {
4 Replies
Can you explain what the issue is
actually, how will I save the data in the database like "the date will be the same but the member and the type tag will be different"
It depends on your requirement. How you have it now, it'll save as an array of data into the table with the column: items
It's sounding like you want a pivot which saves the type tag
like : 12-2-2024 112 Productive and so on...