✅ Folder Creation
So all the paths specific in the strings of this file need to be created. I've written one so far. Is there a better way to do it?
NolvusForLinux/NexusForLinux/src/backend/FilePaths/FilePaths.cs at ...
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33 Replies
that code is not even valid C#. what
It's C#-ish but not really
It's, like, an LLM's hallucination of what C#++ would be
So, @ᛁᛊᚺᛁ, what's up with that?
WDYM? VScode doesn't spit any errors so it's fine to me.
Do you have the DevKit extension set up?
Did you open the project, and not just a loose file?
Because in no way, shape, or form is your code valid C#
I followed the guide on VScode. I'm also doing 90% of the work on a chromebook. Outside of that even when I do work on my Windows machine it doesn't spit out errors
You did not answer my questions
Yes, I have the dev kit setup

And are you opening the project, or a loose C# file?
the project. Well mor like the folder. VScode is detecting the project
oh 🤮
it wasn't working bc "enablewindowstargeting" wasn't working
279 errors
hoooo boy
Unsurprising lol
yeah, welcome to non-maui projects. I'm gonna go home and generate a maui forms app in VScommunity
but I fucked myself
Holy shit. Yeah no the downloadmanager Tasks HAVE to be asynchronous, if only for the purpose of them downloading multiple files
isn't this returning a value??

Do you see a
statement in that method?ye, I just added that
I'm also adding a foreach, because I want each file to download before the next one starts
We'll have to take your word for it because we can't see the line you added it on, but vscode reckons you haven't

Still don't see a return
Check the github
one sec
Contribute to Ishikudeska/NolvusForLinux development by creating an account on GitHub.
On your Github it's an
async Task
method. Here, it's async Task<List<string>>
yeah I effed up with branches. I'm fairly new to git, so I messed up my progress
alr should be fixed
Yeah, so it's fixed on github. Yet still spitting out errprs
What do you suppose this does?
nothing, it's wrong
look again. I fixed it
but I suppose it makes each file wait to be downloaded before it starts downloading the next one?
You can download files in parallel
would come in handy, for exampleye, but it'd be a pain in the ass because some files are 16mb and others are 100gb
(welcome to skyrim LOD downloads)
"Task does not contain a method for WhenAll"
Unless you're on some ancient-ass version of .NET Framework, it should be supported

I'm on .NET 8.0
unless I'm missing a using?
Then, as you can see,
is supported
I believeok
it's still saying it's not a thing
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Have you got your own Task class?
yes :catfacepalm: