Table view to PDF?

Has anyone implemented a export table view to PDF?
9 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch5mo ago
I think @Kenneth Sese did or at least experimented with something for Advanced Tables. Also it should be possible using #pxlrbt-excel with some modifications and the PDF driver
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese5mo ago
Yup still WIP...fully working but needs the configurability to make it a good busy with work that I haven't been able to finish it and release unfortunately. soon hopefully
nowak3mo ago
Hey @Kenneth Sese, did you manage to finish the plugin?
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese3mo ago
Hi @nowak not quite, but almost. Sorry for the delay
nowak3mo ago
All good, just wanted to check 🙂
Kitty3mo ago
@Kenneth Sese can you share any code you currently have? I am looking to do this:
Table in PDF on custom page not working · filamentphp filament · Di...
Package Table builder Package Version v3.0.0 How can we help you? I have a custom page with a table that I am trying to download as a PDF. The custom page includes a filament table and some other c...
Kitty3mo ago
@Kenneth Sese meant to tag you
toeknee3mo ago
@Kitty please do not tag people as per the #✅┊rules
Kitty3mo ago
I implemented this. See the discussion in github.