Our server appears 2 times in BattleMetrics.
Hello, I hope you can help me. Our server is displayed twice in BM. I also get the following messages. I am new to BattleMetrics so please help me. The server where the query port is displayed with "failed to respond to query", the other server "server responded to query". I am at a loss.

12 Replies
Nothing we can do,
Issue caused via EOS
So i cant do anything neither?
Only way to have an accurate server profile is via using BM RCON
We use.
Ok, So just use the profile that is your BM RCON profile,
The server query isn't direct any more, it must be pulled off the EOS master server list (not the best)
So while using BM RCON your server can fail query, but player data is pulled via the RCON connection.
I have now taken over my clan's technology and have to find my bearings first. I am online with an RCON Admin BM profile. The servers have different ports, but show the same thing. I thought someone with more experience could help me. Hence my question here. One server is entered in our RCON, the other is not displayed there.

Our trainings server is responding to the query.
So the other server,
It's one that is picked up now and then (not accurate) cause of the EOS master server list,
We don't know why it shows/generates the server on a different port & BM has no way to solve that at this stage.
the list will actually bounce between your actual port (main RCON server profile) & the other one. (Different Port)
Ok, I see, so I should just let it run like this. I thought I could customise something, as 2 servers produce 2 different results. Training server no problems. Main server failed to respond to query.
Correct, just have to let it be,
Nothing can be done to solve it that we know of.
It's just another thing caused via the EOS backend update/change from the previous Steam Query System.
Thanks a lot and have a nice day.