What's the best way to run native Linux (.sh) games on bazzite?

Can't figure out how to get steam linux runtime working on this os
17 Replies
? steam linux runtime works in steam, it's not meant to be ran outside of it not outside of it .sh can be executed by right clicking the .sh file and opening it in terminal well running it in the terminal "run in Konsole" "run in terminal" or "run in Ptyxis" something like that
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
So I can't play .sh games in steam? Is what I meant
what game is this you might have a better chance of running the windows version with lutris/bottles some linux ports that are scripts like this don't even run on every distro
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
Yeah I can get them running like that using the windows exe
yea if that works you should use that
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
I was just wondering because in official steam os I could add the .sh games to lutris and they would just work in game mode Or adding them to steam and using steam linux run time would work Doesn't seem to work the same in bazzite
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo13mo ago
lutris is a wine runner tho why would you do this
dreamyuki13mo ago
Lutris is not just wine runner You can run linux native games on lutris too
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
DevilFish30313mo ago
i think OP is asking about how to run native linux executables, might be what they mean by .sh games, (which btw .sh refers to shell script extension and not necessarily related at all to linux executable) there is no extension on linux analogous to .exe on windows
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
Not in bazzite though it seems I tried Ah yes this is what I mean
DevilFish30313mo ago
just add your linux game as a nonsteam game, no further configuration needed, now whther it will run depends how the game was compiled, ideally it shouldve been compiled with glibc version found in the oldest ubuntu LTS still supported, that would cover 80% of distros and increase chances of it running on bazzite, this is a question for the developer of the game in question, otherwise thats all there is to it
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo13mo ago
Bazzite handles .sh files the same as any other linux distro Run it with your terminal -- does it work?
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
Maybe it just depends on the game then I'll try it with the terminal or just use the exe in wine
DevilFish30313mo ago
adding as a nonsteam game would increase chances of it running, if it doesnt work in the terminal, games on steam run in a container, and steam runtime takes care of dependencies like SDL2 that may not be present on the host. I forget which game i was trying where it failed on the terminal due to missing SDL but ran just fine as a nonsteam game i would say try both, doesnt hurt to try both terminal and nonsteam game
brokenwingsx321OP13mo ago
Appreciate the help everyone!
©TriMoon™13mo ago
.sh is just an extension used for shell scripts it might do stuff you don't actually want... Careful with running scripts you do not understand... If in doubt post the contents of that .sh file...

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