:bangbang: CREATING A FILE MANAGER :bangbang:

Good night guys I need to make a simple file manager. The main idea is just for the user to be able to register and build folders and within the folders the possibility of registering subfolders or attaching files. Can anyone help me with any ideas on how to build this on filament?
8 Replies
awcodes13mo ago
You would have to make it as a plug-in or some kind of custom field. Could possibly do it with nested repeaters but that’s going to get unwieldy pretty quick.
walyson_OP13mo ago
Do you have any idea which plugin can be used?
awcodes13mo ago
#ralphjsmit-media-library-manager has folder support. When #awcodes-curator v4 comes out it will have folder support. Or you can create your own plugin.
walyson_OP13mo ago
Thanks for the tip. Do you think that if I make a custom page and just render it within my project it would be simpler?
awcodes13mo ago
I want to say yes, but speaking from experience there is nothing easy about file managers. Especially with folders where you get into server based permissions and ACL. Ie can the logged in user access certain directories or not.
walyson_OP13mo ago
My idea is that regarding permissions, it is nothing very sophisticated. I just thought that the user would have permission or not, that is, if the folder is his, he will be able to see/edit/delete, otherwise he will not be able to do anything.
awcodes13mo ago
Yea. But it’s gets more complicated than that because it’s an actual directory on the filesystem which has no context of application user permissions. It is doable though. Check out the laravel docs for storage visibility. Definitely not trying to turn you away from doing it, just trying to impart some of things I’ve had to deal with.
walyson_OP13mo ago
All good! Thank you for alerting me to all the possible problems I may have during development.

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