expandableLimitedList without listWithLineBreaks
How can I use expandableLimitedList without using listWithLineBreaks.
When I put listWithLineBreaks, the data is displayed fine,
When I remove listWithLineBreaks, the see more message disappears and in the console I receive this error:
livewire.js?id=6b5eb707:1198 Alpine Expression Error: isLimited is not defined
Expression: "isLimited"
<button class="fi-link group/link relative inline-flex items-center justify-center outline-none fi-size-md fi-link-size-md gap-1.5 fi-color-gray" type="button" wire:loading.attr="disabled" x-on:click.prevent="isLimited = false" x-show="isLimited" style="display: none;">…</button>
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