Cloudflare pages app behind ZeroTrust/Access

I have a working Pages app on Cloudflare that I would now like to protect using ZeroTrust Access. I have set it up, and connected to my Google Workspace, created an Access Group with rules etc. Reading the Docs I have three questions 1) a Pages app I deploy qualifies as a "self-host" app, right? 2) in the "Add an application" page of Zero Trust UI the "self-hosted" option is greyed out and the tooltip says "...can be added one I have an active Zone on cloudflare" - how do I create an active zone? (doc link?) 3) Then I can use the methods & functions described in for my Pages app to get GroupId, etc, right?
Cloudflare Docs
Cloudflare Access · Cloudflare Pages docs
The Cloudflare Access Pages Plugin is a middleware to validate Cloudflare Access JWT assertions. It also includes an API to lookup additional …
8 Replies
mackenzieOP13mo ago
I don't see anywhere more specific to ask this question, as it's really about ZeroTrust/Access, is there such a place?
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
An active zone means you have your domain pointed to Cloudflare’s name servers. Though I thought it worked with the domains. But you can create via the button under the pages project settings.
mackenzieOP13mo ago
Thanks. I have it setup already at a custom domain - in Pages project > Custom Domains. In Settings I can't see any such setting... Not sure how to setup an "active zone" 😦
Metriusz13mo ago
When you go to and get to the Websites tab, is your domain there? If it is - it's an "active zone" I did just confirm to be sure and you can't add a domain that's not set up as an active zone as a Pages custom domain So you should have it set up
Hello, I’m Allie!
1. Yes, they are self-hosted. 2. A Zone is a domain. You need to register a domain, either with Cloudflare Registrar, or another registrar. Then, you can add the Cloudflare Nameservers to activate it as a zone. 3. Yes
mackenzieOP13mo ago
Thanks for responses - I'm setting that up now as a domain in websites (need to change nameservers and that takes time) OK, I think I've set that up for my app - now to figure out how to use it.. So far, I’ve just managed to break DNS for my domain 🙂 So, some learning required… NSURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
If you have TooManyRedirects then change your SSL mode from Flexible to Full (Strict)
mackenzieOP13mo ago
I ended up fixing it by (I think) after change of nameservers from my registrar to CF, deleting my site in the dashboard, then recreating..... And things magically worked again....

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