Basic config problems - can't get Drizzle to start

I'm using Next.js, Postgres Vercel and Drizzle on a new project. First, I followed a tutorial and it seemed to be workig, up until I tried to implement UUIDs. So I started from scartch and, since I didn't like the file structure in the tutorial, I decided to change it to fit my own standards. Now I'm getting path problems, even though I've triple-chcked to confirm the file is at the specified location. My folder structure is as follows (see screenshots): 1. drizzle.config.ts: src/backend/database/drizzle/drizzle.config.ts 2. config.ts: src/backend/database/drizzle/config.ts 3. db: src/backend/database/drizzle/db.ts 4. schema.ts: src/backend/database/schema/schema.ts when I run : npx drizzle-kit generate:pg --config ./src/backend/database/drizzle/drizzle.config.ts I get this error. " drizzle-kit: v0.20.14 drizzle-orm: v0.29.4 Reading config file 'C:\03 Programação\999 Projetos\03-solutioner-2.0\src\backend\database\drizzle\drizzle.config.ts' Err: No schema files found for path config ['/src/backend/database/schema/schema.ts'] Err: If path represents a file - please make sure to use .ts or other extension in the path " What's going on? Can anyone offer help? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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3 Replies
Mykhailo13mo ago
Hello @nr7751! Could you try to change paths to migrations folder and schema in config?
schema: "./src/backend/database/schema/schema.ts"
out: "./src/YOUR_PATH"
schema: "./src/backend/database/schema/schema.ts"
out: "./src/YOUR_PATH"
nr7751OP13mo ago
@solo , thanks! It worked. What's the deal here? "./" stands for the project's root folder in this case?
Mykhailo13mo ago
sorry for late response ./path is a relative path /path is an absolute path relative path depends on the current directory, while absolute path starts from the root of the file system

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