Railwayβ€’5mo ago

Directus content is blank after publishing new post.

Anyone familiar with Astro + Directus? I have shared this to both their servers and not gotten any attention, kinda weird. not sure if this an issue with my Astro config, or Directus - which I have hosted on Railway. also, this is my first ever live deployment with Directus (am super thrilled), so I am not sure what information you may need. After I publish a post, the new URL is immediately visible on the blog page, but when I click on it, the page is blank - and I don't know why?! All the other previously published content is visible just fine. This seems to happen when I add something new. πŸ€” Maybe I'm missing something? URL (of course it's a work in progress) https://bethelministries.netlify.app/blog URL with problem https://bethelministries.netlify.app/blog/discord-users this is set properly.
import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify';
output: 'server',
import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify';
output: 'server',
All other content shows fine. it's just when i publish a new post. If I edit a file locally then git push, the new post DOES show, but that defeats the purpose πŸ€”
Bethel Family Ministries - Blog
Since 1945, Bethel Family Ministries has fostered faith and service. Engage in our worship, outreach, and events dedicated to loving God and people. Join us!
4 Replies
Percyβ€’5mo ago
Project ID: 4d102d32-7739-4b1a-9ac4-aa26515b061e
jjaimealemanβ€’5mo ago
ID 4d102d32-7739-4b1a-9ac4-aa26515b061e
Medimβ€’5mo ago
I think that's more code related than a railway issue tbh, how are you fetching the posts from the directus instance? Also... Netlify doesn't build your front end on every git push? maybe it builds the new post because it's a static site?
jjaimealemanβ€’5mo ago
Yeah, I don't think it's a Railway issue, at all. I did post on the discords for both Directus & Astro, have not gotten any replies - weird! I was kinda sorta hoping that someone who has used both Astro + Directus could shed some light on my issue. While Astro is a SSG, it also has SSR mode, which I have enabled. I'll go pouring through the docs, I may have missed something.