Add Resource in Plugin with cluster Not Show the navigation

Hi all, I made a plugin , and registered the resources in SmartExpensePlugin with public function register(Panel $panel): void { $panel->resources([ExpenseBudgetResource::class]); } and in my ExpenseBudgetResource I implement to cluster protected static ?string $cluster = ExpenseSystemSetup::class; but in the navigation doesn't show the resource, and if I remove protected static ? string $cluster = ExpenseSystemSetup::class; the navigation ExpenseBudget show what is missing from my configuration?
1 Reply
Jr.Pikong5mo ago
I thing not show the navigation because not defined cluster directory discover , in the main app we use ->discoverClusters(in: app_path('Filament/Clusters'), for: 'App\\Filament\\Clusters') but in plugin, web don't use that, anyone can help ?